Acne Support Group Conversation Room
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Welcome to An Acne Support Group in
Cyberspace's Conversation Room
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Hello Fellow
Cyberians and Welcome!
The Acne
Support Group in Cyberspace
is a support group and chat area for everyday people of all ages
and walks of life with acne to visit, discuss, share treatments, support each
other, and move through the stressful event of having acne.
This is one of many of the Acne Support Groups out
there, with the hope that armed with enough knowledge and support, there will
one day come a time when we will all live in a world where we all have clear,
healthy normal skin.
Anyone is welcome to post and share experiences and/or
just have a general "bawl" about how you feel etc! We've all been there!
Good luck to everyone and
remember, take what feels right for you, and let the rest
and when in doubt, always consult your doctor
Feel free to start your own
thread discussion, especially when the Board is quiet. If there is anything
you'd like to discuss, take the initiative and others will pick up from your
thread. Key is love, support and sharing throughout. If a post doesn't appeal to
you, please do skip pass it and start your own thread.
Thx - Just Me :-)
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Visits since 15 Feb
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Eventually....... -- Rianne (35) UK, 07:20:36 04/15/00
Last weekend I didn't feel very well at all & tried to
post but felt so ikky I had to abandon it. Sorry!! Through the week it wasn't
much better & I also had stacks to catch up on (work and house-wise) I
didn't dare look at the net because I knew I couldn't have torn myself away!
Over the weekend I want to read through all the new mail & share
everyone's news because I missed you all such a lot.
Sorry I wasn't here
to "wish you off" Just Me. Hope you're HAVING a great holiday though - I'm sure
you are!! Good to be able to escape the British weather eh? It's been heavy
rain, gales & freezing temperatures here! I'm sure some sunshine will do you
the world of good!
Speak to you all soon and send lots of love,
Happy Hols! -- Just Me, 23:48:14 04/13/00 Thu
Heya all
Still trying to get packed (grins) - and I've like some 8 hours
before the taxi gets here! I'm nowhere near done! I'm still clearing up bits and
pieces around the house, ie rummaging through things trying to find my camcorder
bits and pieces, tripod stands, t-shirts, sun lotion etc etc etc. Don't think
I'm going to get any sleep tonite! Maybe a couple of hours ....
Ginger, Kaitlin, Jasmine and Davie for the holiday wishes :-) ... will try and
have lots of fun! :) Will post when I get a chance and hmm, have a couple of wee
spots - but that's cos of my period which of all times came on tonite (grrrr!).
Ginger, I figured out your prob the other nite - ie why you couldn't see
your post as I couldn't see Davie's that night either and that's cos I was using
AOL instead of Internet Explorer / Netscape. When you use AOL, you need to keep
hitting the refresh button for your screen to
refresh with new messages! It does it automatically in Netscape and Internet
Explorer! Hope that helps!
Have to rush - still lots to do!
Ginger, re searches, I usually find that searching via usually brings up a lot
of goodies! That's where I found the Horsetail and Oregon Grape stuff! Happy
hunting and I look forward to reading all your messages !
L&H, JM.
Have a lovely holiday! -- Kaitlin, 22:26:57 04/13/00 Thu
Me: hope you have a lovely holiday and that your skin impresses your entire
family! Have a great time.
Hi to everyone else, been really busy at work
this week so can't write much, talk to you all soon.
Holiday -- Jasmine, 09:58:46 04/13/00 Thu
Hi everyone.Hi Just
Me.Just a quick one to wish you a happy holiday and speak to you when you get
back.Take care everyone.I agree with Ginger.Where are you Rianne?Are you
ok.Anyway speak soon love Jasminexx
Thanks Just Me! -- Ginger, 03:54:55 04/13/00 Thu
Hey girl!
THANKS for all the links! The last one you posted about Oregon--is the only one
that I found, that I was going to share with you!!!! I'm kinda new with
computers--barely graduated from emailing, ya know?!?! I'm having fun though,
with the wealth of info. out there!
Hope you get the eye/allergy thing
under control quickly! Thanks again for all your time--
I'm still
clear--with the exception of one tiny little spot that cropped up out of nowhere
yesterday :( It's TINY--I can deal with it!
Hi Jasmine, Margaret,
Kaitlin and Rianne! Rianne, I'm worried about you! Where are you? Talk to
Maurice -- Just Me, 00:10:14 04/13/00 Thu
Heya Maurice
.... just thought I'd give ya a reminder that I'm anxiously anticipating
eventually hearing from you (grins)! Hope your work is going okay and that
you're settling in well. Gotta rush now ... things to do - just came on line to
fix some stuff ... itchy fingers!
Oh, by the way I had some tuna (as I
was peckish) and guess what?! My left eye started swelling up and getting all
red and itchy! Now that's a FIRST! Have I all of a sudden become allergic to
fish oils or tuna? DUH! I'm really baffled now! It's still a little red and sore
... and my left wrist has gone all achy like it's broken .... I think I'm
cracking up ... anyway had a crazy day - so going to bed now! Nite :-)
Ginger / Horsetail / Grape Root Oregon / Allergies -- Just Me, 21:31:24 04/12/00
Hi all :-), can't stop, rushing through (grins). Thx for all
the replies, Margaret and Katy etc re the skin rash / allergy etc. It
seems to have cleared up now, ie with continuing to use Bioforce Lufa Complex,
which is a homeopathic remedy for allergies. The skin around my eyelids
were peeling and so were they under my eyes and my face got really dry as well
as my ears and skin was peeling everywhere. Very strange indeed! I
wonder what I was allergic to. BTW, I am not on Accutane or Roccutane -
only heard of them some 6 weeks or so ago when I first discovered the Accutane
Board by chance ie when looking for info on the Dermalux Lamp. I'm
strictly homeopathy, supplements, herbal supplements, healthy eating and
Dermalux plus the Nono gadget (smiles).
Ginger (smiles) - thx for the note! I did promise, so I kept my
word! It's okay - I got off early today and have the day off tomorrow to
do some last minute presents/shopping etc and also packing and more house
cleaning! It's been mayhem at work and I'm just pooped! Everyone is
so excited - even the cats as they sense something is in the air (smiles). I
seemed to have lost the bookmarks that I made the other day (think I've exceeded
my limit on the puter or something) so had to do them all again but it's
okay. I haven't done as much as I'd like to and I've lost those acne links
I found - but I know where to find them, though they'll have to wait till I get
back ... and I get back like a few hours before I have to go back to work again
so it may be a week or so after I get back that I get my routine going again -
it'll be hard enough going to work again!
But I'll be checking in from Singapore on my sister's computer and if time
and events permit etc, will post and update on my skin etc! Here are the
links as promised! Enjoy!
- Primaderm is a skin cream called "nature's forgotten remedy." Its primary
active ingredient is Oregon Grape Root extract (Mahonia aquifolium.).
Numerous studies have shown that the extract of Mahonia aquifolium is
extremely effective against various skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema,
acne, candida, dry, scaly skin and other disorders. It has
antibacterial and antifungal properties. The most active components of the
herb appear to be berberines.
- MSM is Methylsulfonylmethane or Dimethylsulfone, a source of beneficial
biological sulfur. . ...... It has been shown to clear-up acne.
- Oregon Grape - 1001 Herbs
- Suggests using Oregon grape for liver problems, high blood pressure,
skin problems, and loss of appetite. Find the recommended dosage.
- Oregon
Grape - Health Encyclopedia - States that the herb can be
helpful for infections, poor digestion, and psoriasis. Review the active
constituents and side effects.
- Oregon Grape -
Nature's Field - Describes the shrubs, and gives an overview of
traditional uses, such as curing sore throats. Learn how to prepare a tea.
- Oregon
Grape Root - has a direct action on the skin. Therein, it behaves unlike
any other known herb. It is used to restore the skin to a smooth, clear
condition following any kind of skin disease, or other illness, that may have
dried out the skin or produced dermal
- Horsetail - - Fact sheet provides a description of this temperate plant.
Find details on its ingredients, common uses, and preparation instructions.
- Horsetail - HealthGate -
Medical guide provides a list of this plant's chemical ingredients and uses,
and patient precautions for side effects and adverse reactions.
- Horsetail
- - Monograph provides a physical description of this
medicinal herb. Browse details on therapeutic indications, and dosage
- Horsetail
- HealthWorld Online - Overview of this plant includes a photo, and
details on its habitat, constituents, medicinal uses, combinations, and
preparations and dosage.
- Horsetail -
Herbal Health Products - Alternative medicine guide offers details on this
perennial's chemical makeup, action mechanisms, and therapeutic uses. Link to
related products
- Horsetail
- HolisticOnLine - Resource presents a history and description of this
grass, details on active compounds and medicinal qualities, and dosage and
safety tips.
- Horsetail - - Peruse details on this plant's habitat, health benefits, and
chemical makeup. Includes precautions on side effects, and ordering
- Horsetail - Health Encyclopedia - Features a photo of this stemmed
plant, and details on its habitat, traditional uses, therapeutic value,
constituents, actions, and side effects
Nite !
p/s Rianne/Jasmine
- are you guys okay? Miss your bubbliness and presence! ((hugs)) -
hope all is going well!
I have NO idea WHAT HAPPENED!!! -- Ginger, 03:47:30 04/12/00
Sorry for the double post--it didn't post the first time--so I went
back and message was still there! So I sent again--and changed the subject a
Just wait..... -- Ginger, 03:43:58 04/12/00 Wed
Just Me: Hey
girl! Listen, I think you should just wait until you get back from your trip to
talk about the Oregon Grape Root and Horsetail--REALLY! You probably have a LOT
to do to focus on your trip, and this is not needed. Acutally, I FINALLY found
some info. about the two--and I've bookmarked them--so I'll share them later
too! So....let it less thing to think about...and I completely
understand girl! Talk later...
Wait until later.... -- Ginger, 03:38:52 04/12/00 Wed
Just Me:
Hey girl! Listen, I think you should just wait until you get back from your trip
to talk about the Oregon Grape Root and Horsetail--REALLY! You probably have a
LOT to do to focus on your trip, and this is not needed. Acutally, I FINALLY
found some info. about the two--and I've bookmarked them--so I'll share them
later too! So....let it less thing to think about...and I completely
understand girl! Talk later...
T - ZONE and Neutrogena -- Davie, 22:47:16 04/11/00
Margaret: -Regards the Body Shop T-Tree Soap. It isn't
non-comedogenic, nor is the T-Zone wash. No I don't think it made my acne worse
at any time, but as I said I find it slightly drying on my face hence why I
cycle it with Neutrogena fresh foaming wash. I mainly use the T-Tree soap on my
body in the shower, which has remained 100% clear for some time.
for the info on Neutrogena washes etc. I presume you are happy with the deap
clean cleanser as you are still using that so I might give that a go. I see from
their web site that they also have brought out the Extra Gentle Cleanser as a
wash bar. There doesn't seem to be a great difference between the deap clean
cleanser, Fresh foaming wash and extra gentle cleanser wash bar. Oh decisions,
Anyway thanks again for the info.
Hope all are
Good Morning! -- Margaret, 15:06:54 04/11/00
Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing well today. Davie- thanks for
the info on the tea tree oil. I still fear it, but I like to get different
opinions on it and how it has worked for others. Do you think that it ever made
the acne worse? Also, is it a pore clogging substance? I have used the Nutragena
oil free acne wash, deep clean cleanser and the multivitamin stuff. The acne
wash was a little drying, the deep clean I am using now and alternating with the
cleanser made for people using accutane, retin-a etc. They are really nice and
mild. I don't really remember what the multivitamin stuff was like because for
some reason when I was using it my dermatologist told me to stop but I do not
remember why. It was a while ago.
Just me - your eye problem is probably an
allergic reaction. I have allergies but they do not bother me all the time. It
has been about 8 years (knock on wood) since I really had a bad time of it but I
rememeber that my eyes were very swollen. Also sometimes topical items can cause
the eyes to swell. Some sunscreens do it to me as well as some moisturizers.
Sometimes you can develope allergies or reactions to something you have been
using for a while. For example, my sister used to be able to eat shellfish and
then suddenly one day she was eating shrimp and had a terrible allergic
reaction. Now she cannot eat it at all. Maybe the produts you are using on your
skin along with the stress are aggravating your skin. Have you tried using
Nutragena products? In particular the face wash for people using acne products
like retin-a, accutane, or having glycolic peels. It is really good and very
Well I went to the derm last night and he told me to keep using the
differin gel and that he would see me in two weeks and discuss doing some peels
and maybe a maintenance dose of accutane until my wedding. I pretty much begged
him and he agreed that it may be a possibility. So that makes me feel a little
better. I think I need it more psychologically than anything else. My face was a
little worse last night with two new spots on my forehead which I proceded to
pick at and make worse. You would think that by the age of thirty I would have
learned that it only makes things worse but sometimes I simply cannot help
I'll keep you all posted on my progress.
Take care
reconstruction cream -- Sam, 09:49:06 04/11/00
Hey, I have not been here before but I think this is a really good
site. I am starting roaccutane in two days and I have ordered the reconstruction
cream set. I was just wondering how many times a day I should use each of the
creams and when in the day? thanx
Swollen eyes -- Katy - 32 - UK, 00:30:49 04/11/00 Tue
Just Me -
I think the puffy eyes are a combination of several things. I have had just the
same problem in the last 6 weeks, with a bit of eczema on my eyelids to boot,
and I assumed it was just a side effect from Roaccutane (which I finished 1
month ago). However, I managed to go the whole 5 month course with no eye
problems until the final month when I got back from holiday (after 10 hours in a
very dry cabin) to find that my mother had been ill (she's recovered now) and to
start a new job (on the first day of my job I woke up with pincushion eyelids).
I've never had eczema before so I put this down to the combination of stress,
flying on American Airlines(grrr!) and the dryness of Roaccutane. I think even
"good" stress can have an effect - e.g. excitement about going on holiday, or
looking forward to starting an exciting new job (in my case) as well as the
negative sort. Now for the embarrassing bit. A few years ago a beautician
persuaded me to have my eyelashes dyed (cringe!) and, for my sins, I woke up the
next morning with completely beestung, pincushion eyes that I couldn't see out
of. Apparently this was caused by an infection (unwashed eyelash dyeing kit) as
opposed to an allergic reaction to the dye. Never again!
It is
interesting what you say about your skin suddenly becoming sensitive to tea tree
and "burning". I went through a stage of putting (diluted) lavender oil on my
face when my acne was bad, and after a few weeks my skin suddenly objected
violently to this and I had burns as well as spots. Great. Apparently your skin
can tolerate only so much of an allergic/burning agent before it reacts, like
when your hands suddenly react badly to washing up liquid etc. I once taped a
raw garlic clove to a horrible cyst on my cheek one night. It did zap the spot
but burnt my face too. Remembering all this makes me realise how utterly
miserable it is having acne, and I am just glad I have been able to take
Roaccutane and get rid of it.
At the moment I am using a very small
amount of over-the-counter 1% hydrocortisone on the eczema on my eyelids (the
dermatologist told me to use this in my final post-Roaccutane checkup, although
it says on the packet it's not to be used on the face) which takes the edge off
things, although it seems to be clearing up on its own now.
Rianne -
thanks for your information about the Sher system (posted ages ago). I was very
sceptical about it, but I am really sorry you had to spend so much money. I hope
you are having better times with your skin. You mentioned your doctor won't let
you have isotrexin, I'm surprised as although it is the same chemical as
Roaccutane, as it's topical only, you absorb a negligible amount. Isotrexin also
has erythromycin in it, (Isotrex is just isotretinoin) and it is very similar to
retin A. Have you come across Differin? This apparently works like a retinoid
but is a completely different chemical. Maybe that is a possibility. I really
hope you find something that helps.
Best wishes to everyone out
Quickie :-) -- Just Me, 23:19:40 04/10/00 Mon
Heya :-) - can't
stop, on my way to bed and use the Dermalux etc .... just wanted to say I'm
experimenting with some sounds at the moment, and to pls be patient while I find
the right water sounds that feels right ... there's so many to choose from and
it needs to be put against the background to see it it works ie like trying a
dress on (grins).
Ginger, I haven't forgotten sweetie - was hoping to
tonite, but only have been on about 10 mins and need to log off. The links will
take about at least 45 mins to an hour plus to do - ie to do it properly -
tomorrow or Weds at the latest it should be done!
Nite :-)
p/s Hi
Margaret - thx for sharing today - it was interesting reading! Hi Davie, Hi
Rianne, Jasmine, Kaitlin, Ginger et all! (yawns)
Cleansers -- Davie, 20:43:21 04/10/00 Mon
Age: -
Country: - Scotland UK
Hi all hope you've all had a
pleasant and spot free weekend!!.
Mainly for Margaret:
- Regards Tee-Tree. I use body shop tea tree
soap bar for my body and sometimes on my face as well. I find it slightly drying
for my face as I was on Roaccutane 6/7 years ago which left my skin quite dry. I
don't however find it as irritating or stripping as some other acne type
washes/soaps I've used. I alternate with Neutragena fresh foaming wash depending
on how dry my skin is. The Tee-Tree works quite well (For me). It comes in a
soap bar and also a liquid facial wash. I have recently tried the T-Zone
Tee-Tree wash but wasn't as keen on that one (personal choice). Hope this is of
some use.
Neutrogena: - Has anyone tried
Neutrogena's Oil Free Acne Wash, Deep Pore Cleanser or Multi-Vitamin Acne
Would love to hear opinions of these products as I am considering
purchasing and it would be good to here an independent view!!
Just Me: - Thanks for sorting my dead links and have a great
Hope all are well Kaitlin, Rianne, Ginger, Jasmine,
regards from Glasgow
Thanks! -- Margaret,
18:04:09 04/10/00 Mon
Hello everyone. Thank you Just Me and Jasmine
for your words of encouragement and for letting me vent. I seem to be doing much
better today. I am pretty positive that much of this has to do with stress and
my stupid hormones. Today things seem to be quieting down though. I stopped
using the philosophy for a couple of days and am just using the differin gel at
night and glycoloic acid(8%) from in the daytime. That seems to have
helped a bit. Tonight I have an appointment with my dermatologist. What I would
like him to do is start doing a couple of light peels and then maybe a
maintenance dose of accutane until November but I do not think he will agree to
that. Jasmine - are you using any topicals on your face? What kind of cleanser
do you use? I think maybe you should try a milder cleanser like the Nutragena
face wash that is formulated for people using acne medications. It is residue
free so it will not interfere with any medications that you are using on your
skin. Are you taking any supplements? I take a multi vitamin (vitamins only),
herpanacine, and supplements (zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium). Sometimes I
take garlic pills, burdock root, white oak and capryllic acid. What I also
noticed is that too much shellfish may make the breakouts worse. Last weekend I
ate shrimp and crayfish and it seems that a couple of days after that I broke
out. It stinks because I love lobster and crab and shrimp but the iodine may
make my skin break out so I am going to stay away from it for a while. Also I am
drinking soy milk instead of milk and staying away from milk products and
refined sugar. In addition, I have stopped eating meat which is really hard for
me. My family is Italian and waking up yesterday to my dad making a sauce with
meatballs was murder for me! However I do feel alot better physically since
changing my diet. I eat alot of fruit, vegetables, soy products and fish(salmom,
bass etc.). Jasmine maybe you should try just using a mild cleanser like the
Nutragena one, and asking your doctor about some sort of topical antibiotic in
the day and maybe glycolic acid in the evening. The glycolic acid really seems
to loosen up anything that is clogging the skin. Also, you may want to try
getting some relaxation tapes or cd's. Stress has so much to do with this I am
convinced. A couple of years ago I went to a hypnotist which helped me with
relaxing and I do believe it helped my skin. Maybe taking 20 minutes 2 times per
day to do some guided relaxation will help.
Well I hope this helps a little.
If anyone has any questions for me feel free to ask. Thank you all for patience
and understanding and shoulders to cry on! It really does help when you know you
are not alone.
Bye for now!
Horsetail and Oregon Grape Root / Ginger -- Just Me, 10:27:18 04/10/00
Hi Ginger :-)
The weekend was really busy and I didn't get a
chance to post the stuff I wanted to - yes, I found lots and lots of wonderful
stuff on Horsetail and Oregon Grape Root plus lots of other links to acne cures
of all sorts and it's exciting!! I just haven't had the time to share them here
yet as the weekend was spent house cleaning etc in prep for the vacation ... I
hope to be able to share it in the next few days - by Wednesday at the latest
:-) ... thx sweetie for your patience (smiles). Hope all is well!!
to rush now - I am training someone to cover me for my hols
for a wonderful day!
Later ..... :-) JM
Point Me -- Ginger, 01:53:50 04/10/00 Mon
in the right
direction!----Hi Just Me! Glad you got the allergy woes under control! That's
good-especially since you are about to leave town! Hey, was wondering....the
other day you were saying that you found out a bunch of stuff about acne when
you did a search on the herbs horsetail and oregon grape root--WHERE? Most of
what I've learned on those two herbs has been in books I've purchased--I haven't
been too successful in finding info. on those two, via the net. Maybe I'm
looking in the wrong places though--was hoping you could point me in the right
Hello to Rianne, Jasmine, Kaitlin & Margaret! Hoping
that all of you are finding solutions for improving skin!
Sunshine and blue skies :-) -- Just Me, 17:00:01 04/09/00
Hey all :-)
Just a quick update - my oestopath figured I had
an allergy of some sorts ie re the puffy eye and sensitive skin etc and I got
some Bioforce "Luffa Complex" homeopathic tables for allergies yesterday
and it seems to be working as things seem to be back to normal now - ie skin no
more sensitive and eye isn't as puffy. Mind you (grins) I also stopped using the
Dermalux for 2 days (grins) - though I'm pretty sure that it's not the Dermalux
but rather an allergy of some sorts. I hope I'm not getting Hayfever as I've
never had it in my life!
Anyway, have a beautiful Sunday :-) JM.
My turn (grins) -- Just
Me, 23:43:26 04/07/00 Fri
Hiya - a quickie from me as I have
to rush off ... the usual need to catch up on some zzzz's as lately haven't been
having much and it's affecting me big time. Mean to get to bed early and get off
the puter but getting ready for bed takes ages and there's always side tracks
etc etc!
Margaret, I'm sorrie your skin is bad. It could be the stress
of the coming wedding that is causing the flare up (?). A possibility - I think
mine is cos I'm off to Singapore next Friday (sorrie Kaitlin didn't get a chance
to answer you back yet) ... and my skin has been fine but since a couple of days
ago when I woke up with a swollen eye (ie like I'd been bitten by a bee - ie all
puffed up), my skin has been really sensitive, can't use moisturiser as it kinda
burns, can't use any tea tree cleanser lotion as it 'burns', skin is slightly
red in places ie by nose and upper lip and neck ie like blushing, and the skin
is also tight, like I've been using benoxyl peroxide or something and I haven't
for years. Also I developed an acne under my chin, ie under the skin - so it's
inside and not showing outside. My hormones are all over the place and my period
is overdue. I know this is all to do with my hormones and menstrual cycle - ie
that overproduction of androgen thinge. Whenever my period is late, that's when
I get problems! Grr! I also think it may be the stress of going to Singapore,
thinking I had normal skin again and it flares up thinking of the pressure!
I've been using the Nono on the acne under the skin and it's working -
it just feels like an infection under the skin. I try to keep a smiling face
throughout this as it helps me psychologically. The worst part is the skin
feeling sensitive and tight - I think the airconditioning in the building is
also way off course and the atmosphere in the office is too dry and the other
girls are complaining of tight skin and eyes too ...
It's very
frustrating and I have been racking my brains to figure out what has happened ie
why is my skin sensitive all of a sudden, ie from that day when I woke up with a
swollen puffed up eyelid and a bad back .... and why has my skin been so tight
and sensitive since - I can't figure it out.
If anyone has had that
before, ie super sensitive skin, and itchiness around the nose and lip area with
tight skin all over and especially around the lip and nose area - and there's a
"cure" etc - hey, I'd be grateful to hear it! (smiles).
Also the skin
around my eyebrows is really sensitive and they go red after I wash my face ie
as does other parts of my face ie red and sensitive ... this is so weird - I
wonder if it's the Dermalux! Arrrr! Jasmine, Rianne you think? I'll have to go
look at the Dermalux site again - though I'm sure they said there's no reactions
to it ....
I can only keep on doing what I'm doing as I know it works
and that this is just another hurdle I have to go through as I don't think I'm
fully cured yet - it's a lifelong job, ie like exercise - ie you can't just get
fit and then decide to quit working out -it's a lifetime of habit changes. I'm
positive things will work out and that things will also subside soon and that
keeps me going - otherwise I would sit in a chair and cry - though I haven't
done that since I can't remember when, if I have at all - though I'm sure I must
Jasmine, sweetie, I'm sorrie your skin is bad and that you're
having such a hard time. You deserve a break after all this time. I don't know
if you're eating right or taking any supplements or just relying on antibiotics.
I wish I could reach out and help - though sweetie only you can do that for you.
I'm stuck for the right words to say so I'll just close up here as I have to
dash off .... We're all here for you Jasmine and we're all rooting for you and
wishing you tonns and tonns of luck in beating this menace in our lives.
((((hugs)))) & lots and lots and lots of ((((luck))))). Be strong sweetie!
As I'm leaving on Friday and the working week is going to be hectic next
week, I'll be making myself scarce at some point soon as there are a lot of
preparations to do prior to leaving and geez I'm nowhere near ready. It's more
of a family visit than a holiday as there are lots of things to do family wise.
I have school friends there and childhood friends and have to catch up with lots
of people as I haven't seen them for about 3 years and some even longer than
that and everyone is going to be calling and wanting to spend time with me -
yeah I know sounds fab but it's draining and the time passes so fast etc. I'd
like to just go for once and just be invisible and just enjoy myself like a
tourist instead of having to see everyone (grins) - but I guess that's selfish!
Okay, sorrie - gotta go ...
Rianne, Jasmine, Margaret, Kaitlin, Ginger -
((hugs))! Did I miss anyone? Sorrie - ((hugs)) to you too!
The links
that Davie provided didn't work (ha - he's human after all (grins)), so here
they are again:
Nite, Just Me :)
Hi -- Jasmine, 22:25:22 04/07/00 Fri
Hi everyone.Hope you are
all O.K.
KAITLIN.Sorry to hear you have not had a good week.I'm sure once
your skin is clear for a while the red marks will go.In 22 years of having acne
the last 3 were clear and even though my skin was not perfect the red marks do
fade and I looked reasonable.I think that is why I'm extra upset that it has
come back and not only come back but is worse than it ever has been.Hopefully
the Roaccutane is a permanent cure for you and things will be good for
MARGARET.Sorry to hear you are not having a good time either.I hope you
are clear for your wedding.I thought you were on Roaccutane.I must have got it
wrong.What do you use?No I don't blame you about not putting any oil on your
face.I don't either.Things are greasy enough as it is without putting extra
Anyway I'll just have a moan myself while I'm here.For anyone that
doesn't know the saga I have been using trimethoprim 100mg twice a day for about
two and a half weeks.I have just got my new bulbs for my Dermalux lamp as the
lamp used to work for me but stopped so I ordered new bulbs in the hope that
they had just run down.Well I've been using the lamp for one week.The only other
thing I've been using is a face wash with salicylic acid in it for about a week
too.So nothing has improved yet and my acne is so bad that everyone stares at me
when I go out.I woke up this morning with a red forehead and big red marks going
from each ear down the jawline both sides.This is also itchy.When I looked at
the side effect leaflet for the antibiotics it said can cause reddening as an
allergic reaction.Then I've looked at the bottle of face wash it says can cause
reddening.The Dermalux says it is safe to use antibiotics with the lamp.So in a
panic I went to the Doctors who didn't know what had caused it but told me to
stop the lamp and the face wash but carry on with the antibiotics unless it gets
much worse over the weekend in which case stop them too.I can't believe it!!If I
have to stop the antibiotics I will be totally back to square one and I have had
this really bad bout of acne since November so the red marks and scaring is
really bad.I have just got over having an orange face from the Skinoren cream
the Dermatologist originally prescribed me.The Doctor said that he didn't think
it was the antibiotics because of the way the red marks were down both sides of
the face.My theory is that the antibiotics can make your skin sensitive to the
sun and even though the Dermalux lamp isn't a sun lamp it is similar and I know
that the Dermalux people say not to use the lamp while on Roaccutane as the skin
is sensitive so maybe the two together has caused this because I know I'm O.K
with the face lamp on it's own as I used it for 10 months.I just have to keep my
fingers crossed that it won't get worse as I really need these antibiotics to
work.I was in a right state this morning crying I don't seem to be having
any luck at all with all this.I remember once years ago I was using some over
the counter cream and also a tanning lamp and a similar thing happened to me
down the jaw line.I think it is basically like bad sunburn.Anyway I'll stop
going on now but please all keep your fingers crossed for me that it doesn't get
worse and I can carry on with the antibiotics.I don't know what I would do if I
didn't have everyone here to chat to as nobody else really understands.Hi to
JUST ME,DAVIE and of course RIANNE.I do think of you Rianne as I think our
stories are so similar especially because we both can't have the Roaccutane.Bye
for now.Take care love Jasminexx
Hi -- Margaret,
21:17:41 04/07/00 Fri
Hi everyone. Hope you are all doing well. Just a
quick update - I cancelled the order for the philosophy Cleanser and blemish
control gel because the gel consisted of oil extracted from just about every
living plant on earth. So I just decided to cancel both and keep using the
Neutragena. Am I being ridiculous not wanting to use anything with oil in it on
my face? I mean I actually fear it. Has anyone had success using products with
tea trea oil and rosemary oil etc? My skin is still pretty crappy. Now I have
these little red pimples all over (not just around my mouth) and I can't help
stressing about it which I know will make it worse. I just feel so sick of this
right now. It seems I should be happy about things with planning my wedding and
all I can think of is I hope my skin will behave that day. All the money that
you have to spend on photographers and all that and what a disgrace if my face
ruins it all. I really want my doctor to put me on a third dose of accutane.
Does anyone know how many times you can go on it? I know it is awful but I don't
know what else to do. I eat right and all that stuff and my skin just keeps on
breaking out. Accutane seems to be the only thing that keeps it clear for a
decent amount of time. Sorry I am just bitching and moaning here but I have been
so upset for the past week. Work and school have been so stressful lately and I
am really about to lose it. I wish I could go away to one of those spas where
they pamper the hell out of you. My only fear is that I know I will never want
to leave!!!
Well thank you all for letting me vent a little. I have a
dermatologist appointment on Monday so I will let you know how that goes. Hope
you all have a great weekend. Talk to you all soon. Margaret
hello -- Kaitlin, 20:38:09 04/07/00 Fri
Hi everyone! Don't have
time to write before I go for the weekend so hope everyone has a lovely weekend,
with improving skin!!!!
MANY THANKS -- DAVIE, 11:54:43 04/07/00 Fri
Just to say many thanks to everyone who responded to my queries
regarding EXFOLIATION and T-ZONE
It looks like we’ve all had similar experiences regarding these
products. I think for myself I’ll avoid the granular scrubs and try one of the
wipe on products. Would the spots that appear after using scrubs have appeared
anyway albeit not all at once or as I queried before do scrubs actually
stimulate the sebaceous glands? (Hmmmm). Has anyone tried CLINIQUES CLARIFYING LOTION of late. I thought this product
contained salicylic acid but I see from their web site that it now contains
menthol. As for the T-Zone moisturiser, that will be given away to avoid
temptation. Have bought Neutrogena’s spot control moisturiser, which has all the
key words, so will keep you posted.
For all of you who are currently taking antioxidant vitamins and
minerals. I have recently changed over to SOLGAR Advanced
Antioxidant Formula Vegicaps which combines the antioxidant vitamins with
products such as zinc, copper, selenium and carotenoids all in one capsule (you
can take 2 a day if required). Quest also do a similar product and I would
imagine most large companies will follow on. Anyway just thought I would share
the info as it saves you rattling when you walk. I’ve provided the links below
(hope they work) and as always make up your own minds.””
JUST ME: - Thanks for taking the time to provide the links etc
on DHT and Saw Palmetto. Have been looking at some other substances namely
Permixon, Indole-3-carbinol and also Chrysin all of which have various
links with testosterone to DHT conversion or enzyme-5-alpha-reductase inhibiting
factors. Not light reading I’m afraid and I’m just not in the mood as it’s
Friday but will keep you posted once I get my head round it all .
Have a
nice weekend EVERYONE
Thank you Ginger!!! -- Just
Me, 23:11:50 04/06/00 Thu
Hiya all :-)
Hi Rianne
(smiles) - it's good to hear from you again sweetie! ((hugs)) really good! :) -
hope you enjoyed your bath! Aromatherapy - ahhhh! Bliss!
Will post more
tomorrow ... just wanted to say a big thanks to Ginger for your post and
sharing! It's wonderful! You shared some things I didn't even know! Wonderful!
You just never know when what you share sometimes can reach out and impact
someone else (grins)! Anyway, I did a search on Oregon Grape and Horsetail and
Ginger, I came across so much wonderful stuff on acne!! Woww!! Awesome! I've
bookmarked them all and will aim to share them tomorrow nite or over the next
few days! This is so wonderful! More new things to learn in our search for a
Thank you again Ginger for sharing what has worked for you ... I
will read it properly and I know I had some questions - will post in my next
posts as it's late and I need to get to bed.
Rianne, I didn't even think
of a cold pack for my back! Now isn't that just something! I did ask my
oestopath about the REN machine and he said that like pain killers it stopped
you feeling the pain which was okay but meant also that your body wouldn't know
when it was in danger as pain is good ie it tells you when you're not supposed
to overdo something etc ... I will take homeopathy to treat like with like
though as I get older etc and take more care of my body, I stay away from pain
killers. It's a shame really as I really thought that RENS thing would be great
till he popped my bubble! (grins). Thx for sharing it sweetie!
Nite for
now! So much to say and so little time!
Just Me
Hello everyone!! -- Rianne (age 35) UK, 21:58:48 04/06/00
I haven't had access to a computer for a few days so I need to do
some big-time catching up!!! I've really missed everyone and it's great to be
able to chat again with people who KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE what this acne-thing is
like!! No-one else can understand....REALLY understand.Hopefully over the next
few days I'll have chance to look through all the links posted here too. I need
all the ammunition I can get to conquer this skin of mine.
JUST ME - oh,
it sounds like you have been having an awful time with your back. One of my
friends has just bought a TENS machine from Boots chemist and she swears by it
for getting rid of her back-ache (sciatica - trapped nerve). Maybe you've
already tried that approach though. The hot baths are good aren't they?! Great
stress busters too! Do you use aromatherapy oils in the bath? I'm a compulsive
aromatherapy oil user!! I just love them! Another good idea is a wheat heat pack
which you can pop into the microwave. Cosy too!
That's good JUST ME that
your acne didn't scar. Mine has scarred terribly - my skin is very, very badly
pockmarked. That upsets me just as much as the acne.
JUST ME - I took my
DermaLux on holiday, but only in the UK. I didn't (or couldn't really) if I went
abroad. BUT maybe you can find a space in your hand-luggage? (You've probably
explained earlier why you can't take it. I've had to kind of whizz through the
messages a bit tonight but I'll read them more in-depth later).
I did get a reply from Dr. Fintsi!!! I received a brochure this morning and they
carry out the Exoderm procedure in London. I don't know how much it costs
though. When I find out more KAITLIN I'll let you know. Probably expensive do
you think??!!!! Aaaargh!!!
DAVIE - I know what you mean about exfoliating
the skin & sometimes I have done this way too much. I've used so much on my
skin over the years (24 of them with the beloved acne!) that at times it has
looked like raw meat (albeit raw meat with spots! BIG groan). To wash my face I
normally use Tea Tree T-Zone Gel Wash (from Superdrug or Boots chemist). But,
this morning I got my parcel with the Liz Earle "Cleanse and Polish" face wash
and I used that. It comes along with 2 muslin cloths which help to rub away any
dead skin cells. It seems quite nice - and non-irritating too. Only time will
tell if my skin will respond to it. Nice to have you back DAVIE by the
Oh, I also got my Creme de La Mer "oil absorbing lotion" this week
and it really is terrific! It's sooooo kind to my skin (my skin needs kindness
after all these years of abuse!!) and feels lovely to use. It really plumps up
the skin and it feels so comfortable afterwards. I use that during the day and
at night smother my skin with the Eryacne 4% antibiotic gel. My skin seems to be
settling down a bit.......but it is no way marvellous! But a bit
Hiya GINGER! Thanks for your message! Sorry I went missing for a
while! Hiya to JASMINE too!
MARGARET - Thanks for listing what you take
and use. I haven't tried the Erythromycin wipes. I did use Benzamycin gel but I
found it really greasy somehow. I also found Ketsugo (the shark's fin "remedy" I
think) the same.....sooooo oily. Yes MARGARET, I've used Retin A too. I started
off with the low strength and then progressed to the higher strength. It made my
face very sore though and didn't really have much of an impact on the spots. It
improved my scarring once!! I sat out in the sun accidentally and my skin went a
boiled lobster colour and peeled off in chunks!!! But then later the scars
seemed to want to come back.... moan, moan, moan!!!
Well, it's quite late
and I'm going to "do a Just Me" and have a long, hot soak in the bath!! (plus
lavender bath oil, scented candles and Gregorian chant! Relax-vous
Love and thanks to everyone & it's good to be back!!!
Good info. Just Me! -- Ginger, 17:45:20 04/06/00
You know Just Me--someone (can't remember who--giggle, giggle)once
said, "The one who has nothing to gain, no way to profit" that is helping a
person, TRULY is a caring individual!!! Thanks again, for all the time, energy,
and effort you put into helping those that have acne. Bless you my friend.
Now, I need to go to all the sites mentioned, and read up! I've been
time-challenged here lately--ha!
KAITLIN: I know sweetie, how you feel. I
DO!!!! Accutane DOES make my skin clear up, and smooth out. Experienced that 4
yrs. ago too--and that time was for occasional cyst--and mild/moderate acne. But
gotta say, THIS time,--is MUCH smoother, quicker. I'm doing a few things
different this time around. And needed to mention that this time went on
accutane--as skin was starting to break out mildly in T-zone only. No cysts, no
oily skin. Having said all that--here is what I'm doing differently this
1. Drinking 8 cups of water per day, minimum.
2. Taking "Bio E
with Selenium" by Solaray--which is 400 IU of vitamin E, 100 mcg. of Selenium,
and 1600 mg. of Lecithin
3. Taking a B-complex supplement--50 mg. twice
4. Taking Calcium/Magnesium sup.--500/300 ratio
5. Taking Primrose
Oil--1000 mg. two to three times daily
6. Taking the herb "Horsetail"--it is
chalked full of silica, which is one thing that keeps our skin smooth and
taut--it also has a tremendous effect on hair and nails! Collagen and silica is
something we lose as we get older--that's why kid's skin looks so smooth and
taut! They have plenty of both of these!
7. This one is just temporarily--
for just one month--and then I won't take it again, is Oregon Grape Root, in
capsule form. I take two, morning and evening. Listen to what my herb book says
about Oregon: "Unlike any of herb known, Oregon Grape has what seems like an
almost direct effect on the skin. It has been used to restore the complexion of
the skin to a smooth, clear velvet-like texture, following any kind of disease
or other illness that may have dried out the skin or produced sores.
Lastly, and topically, the Reconstruction Creme--it IS kinda greasy--but
healing. It's perfect for dry skin--ACCUTANE skin! I also use the same company
that makes it, there Amino Aloe Lotion-has Chamomile in it, Vitamin E, Aloe.
This Oregon grape root also helps with: Conditioning your blood, Blood
purifier, Digestion (promotes), Eczema, Jaundice, Liver problems, Skin diseases,
and Staph infections.
Kaitlin--maybe this herb would be good for you. I
can only tell you that my skin is asounding me, and others right now. I do hope
that you'll see the same right around the corner!!
Email me if you have
any questions!
Hi to Jasmine, Rianne, Margaret, and Davie!
Acne cures / treatments -- Just Me, 16:25:54 04/06/00 Thu
Kaitlin!!! Good to hear from you !! :-) This is rushed ... I came on to just
post this .... take what you need and let the rest go and when in doubt, please
consult your doctor. Kaitlin, will come back later and chat :-)
Bar-Shalom ND and John Soileau ND
Acne is a common inflammation of the
hair follicles and oil-producing glands of the skin. Pimples and black heads are
usually found on the face, neck, and upper body. Acne is caused by the in;crease
in hormones during the teenage years or before a woman's period and by bacterial
infections of the skin.
The skin eliminates wastes from the body through
sweat pores. For that reason, constipation or irregular bowel movements can
aggravate the problem and need to be taken care of while dealing with
1. Zinc Sulfate ; 50 milligrams, 2 times per day. If
Zinc Picolinate is used, 50 milligrams is taken only once a day.
Vitamin A ; 100,000 Units per day for a maximum of 2 months. Vitamin A may have
a toxic effect on the liver and needs to be used under a physician's
supervision. Pregnant women (or women who may become pregnant) should not take
more than 10,000 Units per day.
3. Vitamin C ; 1,000 milligrams, 4 times
a day. The dosage is reduced if diarrhea occurs.
4. Vitamin E ; 600 Units
per day.
5. Vitamin B6 ; 100 milligrams per day if acne is associated
with the menstrual period.
6. Kyolic, or deodorized garlic ; 10 to 16
capsules per day, depending on the severity of the acne and until symptoms
improve. Reduce this dosage gradually, over a 3-week period, to 4 capsules per
7. Evening Primrose oil or Linseed oil ; 2 capsules per
Most of these supplements can be taken in a multivitamin tablet and
extra Vitamin A and Zinc.
1. Increasing the fruits and vegetables in the diet. Eat at
least 2 pieces of fruit and 1 cup of vegetables daily.
2. Eliminate sugar
and sugar containing foods because sugar increases the fats that are secreted by
the sebaceous glands. These are the glands that are infected when a person has
3. Limit junk foods, fatty foods, fried foods, and milk products.
All these foods tend to aggravate this condition.
A tea can be made from equal parts of Oregon Grape Root,
Dandelion Root, and Burdock Root. Brew 1 teaspoon of this mixture per cup of
boiling water. Simmer 5 minutes, then steep for 15 minutes. Up to 6 cups per day
for 12 days are taken, or less if nausea or an upset stomach
Exposing the skin to
sunshine and fresh air or to the light of a tanning lamp, but not long enough to
burn the skin. Remember that overexposure to tanning lights may increase the
risk of skin cancer.
Silica 6c and Hepar sulph 6c:
Each day, 3 pellets of Silica in the early morning and afternoon and 3 pellets
of Hepar sulph at noon time and in the evening. The pellets are dissolved under
Ruth Bar-Shalom and Dr. John Soileau practice in Fairbanks, Alaska
Supplement Guide - Safety
Limits by Quest
As with certain
foods, high levels of nutrients can be dangerous. This is why when Quest
Nutritionists are formulating food supplements care is taken to provide
nutrients within safe limits. By following the directions on the label, it is
not possible to overdose on a nutrient. However, when combining a number of
supplements, it is important that the sum total of a nutrient does not exceed
the safety guidelines.
Safety guidelines
adopted by reputable supplement manufacturers in the UK are published in the
recent report, "The Safe Use of Supplements Benefits Good Health", Council for
Responsible Nutrition, March 1999.
Micronutrients |
Long Term |
Short Term |
Unit |
A* |
2300 |
7500 |
mg |
D |
10(a) |
50 |
mg |
E |
800 |
>800(b) |
mg |
Carotene |
20 |
>20(b) |
mg |
(B1) |
100(b) |
100(b) |
mg |
Riboflavin (B2) |
200(b) |
200(b) |
mg |
Nicotinamide (B3) |
450 |
1500 |
mg |
Nicotinic acid |
150 |
500 |
mg |
Pyridoxine (B6) |
100 |
200 |
mg |
Acid |
400 |
700 |
mg |
B12 |
3000(a) |
3000(b) |
mg |
Biotin |
2500(b) |
2500(b) |
mg |
Pantothenic Acid (B5) |
1000(b) |
1000(b) |
mg |
C |
2000 |
3000(b) |
mg |
Calcium |
1500 |
1900 |
mg |
Phosphorus |
1500 |
1500 |
mg |
Magnesium |
300 |
400 |
mg |
Chromium |
200 |
300(b) |
mg |
Copper |
5 |
8 |
mg |
Iodine |
500 |
700(b) |
mg |
Iron |
15 |
80 |
mg |
Manganese |
15 |
20(b) |
mg |
Molybdenum |
200 |
10000 |
mg |
Selenium |
200 |
700 |
mg |
Zinc |
15 |
50(c) |
mg | |
of 800mg for pregnant women, or those who may become pregnant.
1000 mg (mcg) = 1mg
1000 mg = 1g (gram)
1000g = 1 kg (kilogram)
(a) allows for
contribution from light.
(b) no adverse effect has been established. The
limit is precautionary.
(c) higher levels of zinc supplementation should be
combined with up to 5mg copper per day.
The Upper Safe
levels are not related to the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of a nutrient.
Upper Safety Levels are not recommendations for daily intakes, but maximum
levels that are safe for people who self-supplement. These levels should not be
exceeded except under the direction of a qualified health
Hello All -- Kaitlin, 15:46:42 04/06/00
Hi everyone, haven't posted since last week. Seems like the boards
been rather quiet! Anyhow, sorry if I seem like I'm complaining but I'm getting
so frustrated with my skin. Its clear right now, but now that its clear it still
seems to look horrible-I've got red marks all over my cheeks, and my pores look
really huge. Its so stupid, you think "oh if I can get rid of my acne I'll be
set" but then you've still got horribly uneven, blotchy skin! I wish I could
just have smooth skin like everyone else around me seems to have.
my doctor said I should stay on accutane for another month (after this) and I
thought I would be set in another 3 weeks, completely done but he says I should
do 5 months instead of 4 which I really can't afford (sucks not having
insurance) and now I'm really trying to scramble to sort out the money for it!
Oh I'm having such a horrible few days. Sorry for complaining, I know that some
of you would probably be over the moon to have no acne and it makes me feel
really selfish complaining about this but its just like a neverending
OK, on a happier note how is everyone??
Jasmine: hope
the nono/dermalux combination is starting to kick in a work!
Rianne: have
you heard anymore about the exoderm procedure from Dr.Fintsi? Did you find out
how much it cost (just curious) Let me know if you've decided to go for
Just Me: congratulations on your compliments! I think its the best
feeling when someone tells you your skin looks wonderful. And now you can show
it off to your family when you go to visit and I'm sure that will be a wonderful
feeling too. So when are you leaving?
Ginger: the reconstruction
creme-does it smooth out tiny bumps (not acne) on your skin and how long until
you started seeing improvements? Glad to hear your skin is 95%!!!! thats great
to hear!
Davie: I quite like your question-it made me laugh "to exfoliate
or not to exfoliate that is the question" In my personal experience, when I use
a facial scrub it feels absolutely wonderful! But like the other comments
posted, I always seem to bring up spots afew days later. I've got 2 (they are
both made by beauticontrol) and one can be used as a scrub or clay mask (when I
use this I always get afew spots) then I've got another that is just a scrub,
but I find if I use it gently, my face will be ok. They are both for oily/acne
prone skin.
Hope everyone else is well!!!
DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) -- Just Me, 14:49:35 04/06/00
Heya - quickie ...
Davie, you were asking earlier re DHT's ...
I was doing a search on androgens and came across this link @
"Today the product is mainly used for the treatment of
conditions associated with BPH (nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate gland).
Several factors are recognized as playing a major role in the development of
BPH. First, functioning testes and a critical level of androgens are essential
to the development of BPH. Second, a change in prostatic androgen metabolism
occurs that favors the accumulation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and third, an
increase in the ratio of plasma estrogens to androgens.
Recent clinical
research appears to have proven that Saw Palmetto extract is beneficial in BPH.
Its mechanism of action in the treatment of BPH is reported that Saw Palmetto
inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT, the agent thought to be
responsible for the enlargement of the prostrate. In addition Saw Palmetto
extract inhibits the binding of DHT to receptors thus blocking its action. It
has also been shown to have an inhibitory effect both on androgen and estrogen
nuclear receptors. This is accomplished without interfering with testosterone,
follicle-stimulating hormone, or luteinizing hormone levels. Most importantly,
Saw Palmetto does not effect PSA levels, thus it does not mask the ability of
PSA tests to detect cancer.
Recently an ever increasing number of
companies are marketing Saw Palmetto in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.
The mechanism of action is thought to be that by preventing or slowing down the
breakdown of testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone, one can prevent or minimize
premature male pattern baldness. ......." unquote
Click on the link
for the full article. Haven't read it fully - just briefly - it's a little too
technical to grasp in a brief viewing! Later! :)
p/s/ also as you're now
into organic foods (smiles), a friend gave me a link to a home delivery service
for Organic Foods - though not sure if they deliver to Glasgow (grins). The URL
is I
haven't looked at it yet through read the leaflet and it looks okay! Have a link
for organic foods for the US guys as well from a health mag - will post it
sometime soon :) - hi to all :) Kaitlin, haven't heard from you for a while -
you okay sweetie? Rianne, you okay? .... argh, have to rush off now ...
Homeopathy/Alternative Treatments and Acne -- Just Me, 22:23:30 04/05/00
Homeopathy / Alternative Treatments and Acne
Time for another bath now to soothe
those aching back muscles! Nite :-), Just Me ..
P/s Davie, I bought some
Time Release B Complex vitamins today - will email you soon to discuss further
and seek your knowledge etc (smiles).
Jasmine, Kaitlin, Rianne, Dermalux, Androgens ..... -- Just Me,
17:54:23 04/05/00 Wed
Hiya - back from the oestopath's who clicked me
back into place :-)! Seems my back was out of alignment - by pure bad luck! I
always thought I was one of those fit people who would never have a bad back etc
as I am careful etc but since the car accident and whiplash last year I've been
a walking medical case!! Still I'm much better now though it's an early nite
tonite and another warm bath to loosen up my muscles etc.
Davie (smiles)
your questions are so deep they need to be put to a dermatologist (grins)!!
(That derm student's site is okay I guess but his answers are short and brief
and kinda impersonal. He ought to watch the movie, Patch Adams, and see his
'patient's' as people instead of patients!) ... continuing, then again, I don't
feel dermatologists give us the right answers and half the time give us text
book stuff as they have personally never had acne! Grr! I used to hate the
replies that they gave, ie "You'll grow out of it - you're only 18 now ...
yada yada yada !" or "Take the Pill and it'll help clear everything up
including regularising your period and it's the ONLY thing that will help
you" and don't mention anything about cleansing routines, or topical
solutions to use, or diet or supplements or eating fruit and veg or providing
self help leaflets etc ... they just give us standard answers and let us get on
with it! Humbug! Where was I ?? Lost track now ... oh, yeah, Davie - ermm, I
don't have any answers for you on this one as I'm confused about it myself - ie
I know I need to exfoliate but don't get the time and don't know what to use -
have a variety of things but like you said, sometimes when I like use a mud mask
to exfoliate and cleanse the skin etc I break out a few days later! Bah! A
friend at work who's 26 who is completely SPOT FREE, says that she finds the
same, ie when she uses a mud mask or facial or goes for a sauna etc, she breaks
out days later. I wonder why? I guess it draws out the impurities, which is good
right? I dunno! Pass!
Jasmine, good to hear from you! Of course we miss
you and wonder how you are (smiles). Thx for sharing re how you fared with the
Dermalux. I wonder why it stopped working for you - I thought it was okay but
your bulbs just stopped and you were waiting for more. Have they arrived yet? I
hope so! Re taking the Dermalux on holiday (grins) - yes I'm in fits thinking
about it as I'll already have quite a handful with my luggage and I'm worried
mainly that the Dermalux will break as it's like a sun lamp. That would be
breaking £200! Ouch! Besides my sister would make fun of me as I'll be staying
with her the duration. I'm also spending some time in Indonesia and there's no
electricity there ie in the remote parts - ie to see my grandmother whom I've
never met! She's 100 years old now! Wow! I'll bring the NONO with me and use it
discreetly! I don't want my sister's kids to find it and turn it on and blind
themselves! So have to lock it away! The NONO is basically a different version
of the Dermalux I figure. Well it works slightly differently. Oh re the meat
thinge - it was just an expression ie that my oestopath used ie it was his
thoughts as to why my acne had stopped etc. I shouldn't think there is a link
with acne and meat - he seemed to think there was though as I guess he's
vegetarian! :)
I had a few spots on Saturday and freaked out on Sunday
but by Monday they were almost gone (whew!).
Tired now after my
oestopath session and need to go get dinner ready .... a link to share
- AcneNet - a
collaborative effort by Roche Laboratories and the American Academy of
Dermatology. Interesting articles on why and how acne is formed. Knowledge is
Love & Light, JM.
Hi -- Jasmine, 15:28:16 04/05/00 Wed
Hi all.Just a quick
message.Hi JUST ME.Those links look interesting I'll have a look later.The
Dermalux started working for me after about 8 weeks and worked for me for about
10 months before my acne started coming back.I really thought I had it
sussed,finally something to control my acne until it started coming back!Can't
you take your Dermalux on holiday with you in your hand luggage?Is the
electricity the same voltage in Singapore?If it is I would take it with me.I
know you are laughing now but I would.I don't eat meat either(not for about 16
years but still have acne).I also had acne when I ate meat so I don't think it
makes much difference.
GINGER.Hi.Thanks for caring where I was.I have left a
message on Marcus's board.
Take care all.Hi Davie.Glad to see you're
back.Love Jasminexx
Androgen and Women's Health -- Just Me, 13:53:08 04/05/00
Heya (smiles) - about to head off for my oestopath's and checked my
links and yikes, the Androgen and Women's Health's Live Link had an extra " in
it which caused it to come up with an error so here it is posted again!
Androgen and
Women's Health - The Nation's leading manufacturer of clinically researched
naturopathic supplements for Women
Hi Ginger (smiles) - will post back
later (smiles) - let's hope we all find something of some use in the androgen
article - I wonder whether we all have over production of androgens - I know I
do for sure ... :-) I may try that Clear Logic stuff at some stage soon -
prevention is always better than cure (smiles). Thx for sharing the link with
us! Also really great news that your skin is 95% clear! Way to go Ginger!! Let's
hope it keeps improving! YES!!
Have to rush now or I'll be late!
Just Me xx
Thank you! -- Ginger/39/Female/USA, 13:41:18 04/05/00
Thanks JUST ME!!!
Thanks for all the interesting sites to
check into! I haven't done that yet--but looks interesting to me!
is 95% clear--and that makes me one happy camper! :) My goodness it is dry
though! I actually moisturize 3-4 times a day! At this stage of accutane (1
month), the Amino Aloe Lotion, does not by itself, take care of the dryness. The
Reconstruction Creme does. I continue to use both..
Davie: I really like
the Clear Logix--good stuff. Definitely promotes some major exfoliation. Really
makes the layers come off. Used it much more in first couple weeks of accutane.
At this point, I'm so dry, I don't dare use the Clear Logix. Good inexpensive
product to try. I paid $6.00 for a bottle of it. I'll get back to you on the
allantoin soon--wanted to find something about it for you--it shouldn't be a
problem though for your skin. It's healing.
Jasmine, Rianne--where are
you two? HOW are you two? I'm thinking of both of you...
Over production of androgen -- Just Me, 11:49:17 04/05/00
Heya all - have been busy and haven't had time to post. Davie and I
were discussing hormone tests and I'm pretty sure I had all sorts of tests done
when I was 18 years old as my periods stopped in their track for 6 months solid
which had everyone confused. The hospital took all sorts of tests and came back
and said I had an over production of androgen which was causing the lack of
periods and acne. I can't remember what the acne was like then (think I must
have been on minocin then) - though remembering thinking how wonderful it was
not having a period (grins) but also worried at the same time.
Anyway, I
checked out some stuff on over production of androgen and came up with some
interesting links which I'll share here as I would like to read up more on them
Okay, that's me done for now - my fingers are
frozen! Heating is on but the house seems cold! The puter is right by the window
and I'm just cold - so need to go take a bath - brrrr!
Just Me
Heya Davie (smiles) - good to have you here (smiles)! Typed off line
and just came on to post the message :) and saw that you'd posted (smiles) ...
later :-)
T - ZONE and ALSO EXFOLIATION -- Davie, 11:16:10 04/05/00
Hi All,
Ages since I've posted. Hope you are all doing well (
Rianne, Jasmine, Kaitlin, Just Me ...) and good to see some new
T-Zone: - I'm revamping my cleansing
routine and recently purchased some T-Zone products, namely a moisturiser face
wash and cleansing milk. I like the T-Tree products as I dont find them as harsh
as certain other cleansers and soaps and generally get reasonable results with
them. I usually cleanse with body shop T-Tree oil soap but as T-Zone have a
larger product range I thought I would give them a go. There wasn't much
DETAILED info available on the net regarding the products and when I purchased
them I was in a hurry and didn't check the ingredients etc (DOH).
I was disapointed to find out that the products weren't non-comedogenic and
there are a few ingredients in there that are setting the alarm bells ringing
i.e. Mineral (Paraffinum Liquidium) Oil?, Allantoin?, and Cetearyl Alcohol? Has
anyone used any of these products and if so what were the results. I'm only
using the wash just now as it looks fairly safe.
exfoilate or not to exfoilate that is the question. Becoming confused over this
one. Some of the derm sites say that scrubs and astringents can agrevate acne.
However is it the granular scrubs that cause the problems and is it safe to use
products which contain substances such as Salicylic acid which are generally
wiped on with cotton wool (I think). Do the scrubs stimulate the subaceous
glands into producing more oil?,I don't know. Scrubs make my skin feel and look
better but then generally cause me outbreaks several days later. I would like to
use something as exfoilation helps lift the hairs and prevents ingrowing ones
when shaving.
Any help or comments appreciated. Ginger how is the Clear
Logic doing sounds promising?
Regards to all From a Sunny (For a change)
Hello -- Margaret,
16:44:28 04/03/00 Mon
Hey there everyone. I hope you all had a great
For everyone wondering about the Herpanacine - I did manage to get
some this weekend. It's $20 for 100 pills. The company that distributes it is
Diamond-Herpanacine Associates - PO Box 544, Ambler PA 19002. The phone # is
215-542-2981. Their email is The serving size is 6 capsules and
it contains:
Vitamin A - 25,000 IU (as beta carotene)
Vitamin E(as d-alpha
tocopheryl succinate) 200iu
Selenium(as sodium selenate) 100 mcg
L-Tyrosine, Dandelion, Sarsparilla, Astragalus, Lingstrum berry,
I started taking it yesterday. For Rianne - I also take a
multi vitamin(vitamins only), zinc (50mgs per day), copper, magnesium, calcium,
and vitamin B6. I do not take any antibiotics. For a face washing regime I wash
in the morning and night with Nutragena Deep Clean(I also have the Nutragena
face wash for people using accutane and retin-a), I use a toner from my doctors
office which I love(very mild, does not burn or irritate). At night I use the
differin gel, and in the morning I use the Philosophy hope in a bottle with a
little glycolic acid from skin bio on any spots. When I get the other stuff that
I ordered from Philosophy I am going to give that a go. I ordered the On a clear
day face wash and the Out of control blemsih gel which has salycillic acid and
glycolic acid. Rianne have you tried using the Erythomyacin wipes? They are like
little aclohol pads with medication on them and my friend Jen uses them. She
really likes the way they work. Have you used retin-a or any of its many forms?
Maybe you should be using something like retin-a or azelex at night and an
antibiotic treatment in the daytime. Also I think you should really look into
switching your oral antibiotic if you really still feel you need to take one.
I've used the erythromyacin gel and I did not like it. It felt a little to
sticky or oily or something. I wish you could come to the USA and see my
dermatologist. He is so persistant and he is very concerned about the whole
cosmetic aspect of acne too. He really fights to keep me clear!
Well I have
to go now. Take care everyone!
Supplements, eating habits and homeopathy -- Just Me, 23:36:44 04/02/00
Hi Mike :-)
Just for you and all the others in the future
who'll be asking etc, I made the time to put the lists on the main Acne Support
Group page tonite ... the direct live link is
and Homeopathy. Wishing us all much luck with the fight for a cure for acne
once and for all! Just Me :-)
Hi Mike -- Just Me,
22:52:37 04/02/00 Sun
Hi Mike, hi KM, and all ....
Quickie -
bath's running etc ... and need to get the ironing done and it's already almost
11pm ... where did the weekend go?!
Mike, if you go down to "My
supplementation routine plus homeopathy -- Just Me, 00:38:49 03/26/00 Sun" -
ie further down below, you'll see my eating habits and supplementation etc - ie
that works for me personally. It includes links etc to on the
said supplements for each individual to make up their own choices etc ....
I am aiming to shortly put that information along with all the wonderful
links here onto the main Acne Support Group in Cyberspace page which I will
reformat soon ... hopefully I do it before I go on holiday. Once I get going it
won't take too long as the information is already there and I do it for a living
anyway, ie all the design work etc ... doing it on the web is just a different
way of doing it and learning how to use the programming is the hurdle
Nite guys! p/s my spots turned a bit crazy today (boo hoo) but
I've been using the NONO and Dermalux and they seem to have calmed down (whew!).
I have a hectic day tomorrow with all my guys in and tomorrow is the day we talk
about me staying in the team etc ... and I gotta look my best if you know what I
mean instead of being worried about my skin (eeeek!). Wish me luck
Love & Hugs
Just Me
Skin Regimen -- Mike, 22:18:51 04/02/00 Sun
Hey, I'm new to
this board and have been struggling with acne for about nine years now. After
undergoing two accutane treatments and modifying my diet (cutting out refined
sugars and eating fruit almost exclusively) I've had pretty significant
JUST ME-- what does your diet and supplement program
consist of?
question -- KM, 12:25:52 04/02/00 Sun
Hello all! I am just
wondering if anyone has noticed that applying alpha-hydroxy acid, salicylic acid
and benzoyl Peroxide cream to your face seems to increase the pockmarks? Maybe
cuz it's supposed to cauze the outer layer of skin to sorta peel off but it also
causes the pockmark to get deeper? Thanks for any help or input.
Acne Miracle -- Just
Me, 22:46:42 04/01/00 Sat
Hi Ginger :)
I missed your
post before I posted! Thx so much for sharing the URL for the Acne Miracle from
that guy!
I skimmed through it and it makes interesting reading so far -
I've just downloaded the file and will read it tomorrow as I really need to get
some sleep :) ... The live link is Acne Miracle.
Thx Ginger!
Nite, JM.
Red Eyes / Oily Skin etc -- Just Me, 22:32:22 04/01/00
Hi all :-)
I was just checking in on my way to bed and wasn't
going to post as I still need to catch up on some zzzzz's and my session at the
oestopath's today has made me sleepy (which he says is great!) - and just had to
post a weeee note (grins).
Hi Ginger - eeeeek, do you think that means
that my liver is toxic? I've had it for yonks on and off and wondered whether it
was due to an eye problem I have - ie my eyelids don't fully close when I sleep
which means the eyes get really dry overnight and I have to use a cream to
moisturise the eyes though sometimes forget and also have to use natural tear
drops. Then I wondered whether it has anything to do with acne hence the
question .... I have looked at a girl at work who has spots (not quite acne but
lots of spots) and her eyes are as white as a baby's and so is another girl's ie
who has spots and I just noticed on Friday - ie I never noticed she had spots
before till Friday - and her eyes are white too .... thought I'd ask here ...
just in case yunno ....
Rianne (grins) - it was me that was talking
about red eyes and acne - I thought there may be a connection as I'd been
wondering for a while. I guess there isn't - ie if you guys don't have red eyes
- so perhaps it's to do with my eyes not being moisturised enough when I sleep.
They get hot sometimes too and I wake up with a little conjunctivitis at times
in the right eye which is the worst. When I was about 8 or 9 years old I
borrowed my mom's sunglasses and stared at the sun for ages, thinking that's
what sunglasses were for - I developed serious conjunctivitis and also damaged
my eyes badly - the opticians said they're surprised the damage isn't worst than
it is. I don't wear glasses - did for a while as I developed astigmatism - but
somehow strangely that disappeared.
Re Acne Cures, yes, Ginger, I agree
that people who have acne usually are compassionate enough about the condition
to share their knowledge freely with others instead of making money out of it as
whenever I personally see money being asked, I begin to wonder whether it's a
con or true etc. I prefer to believe normal everyday people who have had acne
and suffered from it than large corporations who claim something works! I wonder
why he's selling his "cure" - you'd think he'd be compassionate enough to give
it away free - oh well - it takes all sorts!
Thx guys for the smiles re
my clear skin (smiles) ! It'll come your way soon as well (smiles). I developed
a couple of spots overnight (grr) - probably the curry I had last nite! (grins).
Tummy aches some too - guess my stomach isn't used to all that spicy food
anymore as it's now used to organic foods! Boy how am I going to manage in
Singapore with all those spicy foods and no Dermalux! Yikes! 2 weeks - gee I'll
have some stories to tell re my skin and how it goes! I'm bringing my organic
foods with me ie pasta and tuna etc but I know I'll be eating my favourite foods
too ... oh well it's only for 2 weeks! I have to bring all my supplements with
me as well! Geez!
Rianne, re scars, I guess I've been lucky and don't
have any scars ie embedded stuff - only a few around the nose area from when I
was a teenager - ie 13 - 15 or so. I have red scar marks ie from the cystic acne
but with using the HealthAid Vitamin E high potency cream these past few months,
they are slowly fading away. I may have the odd one or two on the cheek - ie
that are really small but they seem like they're going too ie and aren't
permanent though I've had them a few months - ie dark red scars really tiny -
can't even remember how they got there. I could have acne for just 1 day and it
would leave a deep red scar. I have some freckles too on my cheeks (from the
English side of me (smiles) and the red scars kinda blend in with the freckles.
I guess if I looked closely at my face I'd see some scars ie on the chin etc but
you'd have to look hard. A dermatologist spots it a mile off! Make up usually is
sufficient to hide things and now even just loose powder is fine ... of which
I'm really grateful.
My oestopath looked at me the other day and he
noticed too that I no longer have any acne and instead of commenting on the acne
directly, he commented something about me no longer eating meat ie hence my skin
was looking better! I guess he was right cos I no longer eat meat - wow! I only
eat tuna, prawns (just) and salmon plus pasta and potatoes (just).
As I
was mentioning to Jasmine the other day (ie privately), I remember having one
cystic acne on my cheek first week in February (ie that was the last time ever I
had acne) and it disappeared in a couple of days or so, ie with using the NONO
(and yes Kaitlin, I agree it's a really silly name for a gadget! (grins)) I only
get a few spots now but they disappeared in a couple of days and don't grow into
acne like they used to - ie I'd get spots and they'd grow into cystic acne.
Re Oily Skin, I took the liberty of looking up some stuff on it from
I only
skimmed through it - don't agree with all of it - but it's some useful
information. Per usual, take what you need, and let the rest go
Rianne, was reading in my Shape magazine which arrived today, a
para on acne scars.
"Doctors are using collagen injections or a skin
implant called Alloderm to fill in depressed pockets on the complexion,
microsurgery techniques to remove and revise the scars and the CO² laser to
resurface the skin. Costs and recovery times vary, so contact the American
Academy of Cosmetic Surgery for more information at or
321 527 6713"
Gotta get to bed now .... nite
:) JM xx (yawns)
P/s Rianne/Jasmine - how long were you using the
Dermalux and how did it work for you? I can't remember ... Rianne I know you
said it worked for a while and then stopped? What happened when it worked for
you? How did it stop? What happened? Jasmine, same questions etc (grins) - when
you're ready :)
p/s Ginger, glad to hear your skin is 60% better than it
was! Yes! Here's to Freedom from Acne! Rianne, how is your skin? What's it like
at the moment? Painful acne or just lots? How often are you getting them and are
you seeing any improvement at all lately? It's oily yes, we all have that - what
are you doing regards the oil ie blotting? Using any powder etc so that the oil
doesn't clog up your pores? I know obvious questions sweetie - just trying to
figure out if we've missed something that you may have overlooked etc that would
help in this battle ! Eating fruits? I'm pretty sure me eating fruits and veg
helps as well as seriously I would go years without eating one fruit! Thank
goodness for organic fruit! :)
p/s Ginger, loved your rambles (smiles)
--- oh my gawd, look at how much I've written - so much for a weee note!
Response to Rianne -- Ginger, 22:14:04 04/01/00 Sat
Hi again!
Here is the website for where I read about liver being toxic, red eyes, etc.
This guy makes a LOT of sense, and
actually, I believe all of it--I just have to wonder, like I posted to Just Me
earlier, that he wants $$$$$ for his information. Maybe he feels that after all
the suffering he's done--now that he's cured, he'd like to get rich from his
experience. ????
Let me know what you think....
I'm sorry that
you haven't been well the last 24 hours--still praying for you. I hope that
doesn't offend you. By the sounds of the other board, I'm almost afraid to even
say that. Other board is very hurtful right now--I'm not interested in visiting
there currently....
Hello to everyone else--Kaitlin, Jasmine, Margaret,
Just Me!!!! Hope everyone has a good weekend. :)
Hello there! -- Rianne (age 35) UK, 18:17:34 04/01/00
JUST ME - It was good to read your message about your skin
improving - we just LOVE people to win the battle against acne! It doesn't
deserve to beat us does it?!!! Let's hope we ALL get there eventually! There is
soooo much information being given out lately - it's just fantastic! This thing
about red eyes and liver toxins.....what is that about? I can't find the message
with reference to it (on any board!). I'd like to know more! I don't have red
eyes (thank goodness, it's all I need on top of this!!) but I would be
interested in the liver detox subject. I'm already taking milk thistle and
dandelion/burdock - but if anyone has any more knowledge of other things please
let me know. I'd really appreciate any help.
JUST ME - do you have an
scarring from acne? My red marks always seem to end up as indentations - which
is just so terrible for me. Nothing, just nothing will cover up
KAITLIN - I asked my doctor about Isotrexin and he wouldn't
prescribe it because it was topical Accutane (I think). He won't let me have
anything that has a connection with Accutane because of my health problems. I
don't want to go into detail (it gets so boring anyway) but Accutane is out of
the question for me. Oh, KAITLIN, I had a reply from Dr. Fintsi!! He gave me the
name and number of the doctor who does the Exoderm treatment in London (Dr. Viel
I think his name was). London is a journey for me but maybe if the treatment
becomes very popular it will be carried out in other major cities eventually.
Thanks though KAITLIN for all your help in this!! Please keep me posted with any
other details/help won't you? It's really appreciated!!
I've just had a
quick look at the Roaccutane site. It seems there are arguments again. It
detracts from the main theme though - acne and treatment for acne is supposed to
be the topic!
GINGER - I see that you've mentioned the red eyes/toxic
liver thing too. I couldn't find it on the Roaccutane site. Have you any details
of it? When was it posted do you know? Oh and thanks GINGER for your thoughts.
Oh, you are all sooooo kind - just wonderful!
MARGARET - Yes, the
ERYACNE 4% is topical Erythramycin. Over the last few days I've been literally
smothering my skin with it and it seems to be helping a lot! My skin is looking
a bit better thank goodness. I'm not out of the woods yet by any means - so I
won't hold my breath. You'll probably find me posting later on saying that I'm
breaking out into more new lumps and bumps!! Over the years I've had many tests
for any hormonal connection with my acne and nothing was found. Quite extensive
investigations and still no solution. MARGARET - the "Never Let Them See You
Shine" by Philosophy is good. I don't use it so much now because I'm using the
Eryacne. In the Space NK catalogue (where I bought the Philosophy) they have a
Samuel Par "Corrector Mousse" and that is supposed to stabilise sebum
production. Has anyone tried it? By the way, the Space NK catalogue mail order
number is 0870 169 9999 (UK) and it has some really good things in it. MARGARET
- what do you take and use for your skin? (I'm sure I've asked before, if you've
told me just point me to the archives - sorry!!!)
JASMINE - I hope that
you are okay? The Creme de la Mer is supposed to be on its way. I'll let you
know when it arrives and what it's like. I haven't had chance to catch up with
any news because I haven't been well over the last 24 hours or so. Not a good
time for either of us lately I think. Are you going to use your DermaLux
alongside the antibiotics or are you going to wait until you finish the course?
I hope that they soon begin to work for you JASMINE.
I've just run my
hand over my face and it is sooooo oily. Where does it come from and WHY does
this happen???? I know it's something to do with testosterone, but why US????
What did WE do????
Anyway, I've rambled....thanks for listening!! Love to
everyone. Rianne.
Red eyes -- Ginger, 14:19:12 04/01/00 Sat
Hey Just Me,
don't usually have red eyes--only when I don't get enough sleep! :) There was a
site referred to by someone on yellow board the other day--Acne Cures: BEYOND
Acne Treatment--anyway, this guy supposedly has had acne, and is selling his
cure. But reading what he DOES offer for free, he talks about when your liver is
toxic, having red eyes. While what he says makes absolute sense, I just have to
wonder about why he's SELLING the info. Most of us that have acne/had acne,
gladly share info. that can help others. Right? Like you....
great that you can go see your family and friends....with CLEAR skin! I'm happy
for you! :) My skin is about 60% clearer than before accutane. While it's MUCH
better, still having a few small breakouts yesterday. Hadn't had any for a
couple of days, and thought I was over the breakout period. Now, I'm not sure.
I'm thinking, that regarding the reconstruction creme, that it might be best for
us accutane users. It IS rather heavy. It's a welcome for someone who has very
dry skin, but maybe not for oily skin. Some guy, (I think, Jim), wrote to say
that he had a breakout after using it. He said he wasn't sure that it was
it--but of course wondered. Everyone can't use the same products though either.
There's someone over on that board that is going crazy with his comments about
this product and the lotion--and he hasn't even received it yet!!! He's quoting
everything I've said about it, and the site you order from. Kinda crazy if you
ask me.....
I'm rambling...
Hello Jasmine--how's the skin? I
surely do hope that it has continued to get better.
Rianne--how are
Hi Kaitlin.
Hi Margaret--and welcome!
page update!!---> -- le, 01:56:58 04/01/00
hey everyone!! i just updated my webpage!and invited everyone to
check out my myth/fact page! Make sure to bookmark this
Will write properly over the weekend -- Just Me, 21:59:30 03/31/00
p/s sorrie - forgot to say - will write properly over the weekend :)
Need to get some sleep :) (yawns!) (hugs)
Compliments (smiles) -- Just
Me, 21:56:47 03/31/00 Fri
Heya all :-)
Just got back
from meeting up with an old friend and her daughter was there (who's known me
since I was 18) and hasn't seen me for several months and I got the biggest
compliment that we all wish to hear when we have acne, which is "Your skin is
looking great and clear"! Music to my ears (smiles). She's seen me through some
rough times ie especially when I was in my teens and then in my twenties and I
guess all those in between periods as we're close and it was great to hear!
I'm looking forward to going home (ie to Singapore) in 2 weeks time and
hearing all the "compliments" from family and friends :-) - it certainly is a
boost to the self esteem, which is already boosted and back to normal with clear
healthy skin .... and with it comes beaming smiles cos it feels like the fight
for healthy clear skin is finally over! Which I think it is! YES! My sister was
the worst, ie she older than me and she always, always can't stop the criticism
back about anything and especially my skin - ie how come you're in your 20's and
you still have acne - or how come you're now gone 30 and you still have acne - !
(grins). It just feels great to have clear skin full stop and I don't need the
compliments but all the same it's great to be noticed ie that my skin has
cleared up and I'm finally normal! All the hard work with the healthy eating
habits and supplements etc have paid off!
Gotta go get some shut eye now
--- nite all :-) JM.
Hi -- Margaret,
17:44:23 03/31/00 Fri
Katie - I have been off of accutane for 10
months now. I had two courses - Nov. 1997 - April 1998 (40 mgs per day) and
December 1998 - June 1999(80 mgs per day). I was using retin-a microgel since
June and now have been switched to differin gel.
Thanks for the info on the
isotrexin Kaitlin!
Hi to Everyone!
Question for Margaret -- Katie, 16:54:33 03/31/00 Fri
for many weeks have you been on Accutane? Great site!! Thanks for
all the good info!
Red eyes & acne -- Just
Me, 16:34:20 03/31/00 Fri
Age: 35
Hiya all :-)
Quickie question ... can't stop... :) - does
anyone experience red eyes at all? I've been wondering for a while whether it's
connected with acne, ie people are prone to acne have red eyes etc ... just
trying to get a feel for it my theory or guess is right ... feedback appreciated
Hi Rianne, Jasmine, Ginger, Margaret, Kathy, Maurice, Davie and all
.... :)
Kaitlin - have a great weekend sweetie! I have to rush off now
... later - byeeee!! Just Me xx
Hi All -- Kaitlin-20-Canada,
15:51:35 03/31/00 Fri
Rianne: Dr. Becker just wrote back to me telling
me to go to Dr. Fintsi's web site at I'm not sure if thats the
guy in Israel or not, but he said there is a list there of all the doctors in
England. I haven't looked at it yet, so maybe its some info you don't have yet.
Hope so.
Margaret: I think the isotrexin is like an topical form of
accutane (I think, not positive though)
Hi Jasmine, Just Me, Ginger and
everyone else! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!!!
Philosophy -- Margaret,
14:58:58 03/31/00 Fri
The website for philosophy is The phone number is - 1-800-568-3151. It is manufactured by
a company called biomedic in Pheonex, Arizona 85034. I ordered the On a Clear
Day and the Out of Control blemish treatment. We'll see how they work when I get
them so I will let you all know.
Rianne - Did your doctor ever mention a drug
called spironolactone? It has something to do with the hormonal part of the
whole acne thing. A 43 year old woman emailed me about it and said that her derm
was thinking about putting her on it. Maybe you could ask about that. The
eracne(sp?) stuff that you are using, is that erythromyacin medication? Have you
ever tried the topical forms of tetracycline, cleocin or isotrexin? I have used
the cleocin but not the other two. Does anyone know what isotrexin is by the
way? I saw it mentioned somewhere on the other site but I am not sure what it
My mom went to see my dermatologist last night(she sees him for
different reasons) and he promised her that my skin would be great for my
wedding. He said I really have to stop freaking out about it though because I am
only making it worse. I know that but it is so hard to do when you see the acne
on your face and wonder why it should be there when you are trying to do
everything right(ie - drinking lots of water, eating right etc.). I really have
to start using my relaxation cd's again because I have been under too much
stress lately.
Well I have to go now. Hope everyone is ok. Talk to you all
soon. Margaret -- dr.le, 04:04:57 03/31/00
welcome everyone to AcneCure...
please Visit
Philosophy -- Margaret,
23:14:55 03/30/00 Thu
Hey there everybody! Hope everyome is doing
Jasmine - I have not been able to find any sites that deliver to
England. But I did look at some of the other Philosophy products and two more
that sound good are "Out of Control" Blemish treatment which has glycolic and
salycilic acid in it. It is supposedly oil absorbing, and can be used am and pm
followed by a moisturizer. Also- they have a cleanser called "On a Clear Day"
which is a wash for oily skin. I think I am going to try to get them in the near
future. They sound pretty good so you might want to check them out. Maybe using
products from the same line together will help. They also have some sort of oil
absorbing stuff called "Never let them see you shine". I like the names of their
products too. They have a positive note to them. Hopefully your brother will be
able to get them and send them to you. Rianne and others of course - you may
want to check them out too. The websites that I have found that have philosophy
are -,, and I will look at my
bottle tonight and see if there is a philosophy website or a 1-800 number to
call. The moisturizer is great so far. Not at all greasy which I like and very
light. I'll try and find out some more info and let you all know. Take care!
Hi all! -- Ginger, 22:06:14 03/30/00 Thu
Kaitlin: Hello! Went to the doctor today for 1-month check up.
He seems pleased with the progress. Regarding the pore question--Ha! I've found
that each time I'm on this stuff, my face feels like it is just tight, period.
That includes my pores--they are much less visible on nose, which is really the
only place that my pores are visible. Weird, huh? You experience the opposite?
The explosions have been over for two days now. I'm verrrrryyyy thankful! Glad
to hear that you are clear! That's wonderful! Hope that it has lasting results
for you!
Rianne--I'm still praying for you & Jasmine.
Me--I'll pray that your job works out too. Sounds like maybe it already is!
Jasmine: I'm sorry that the Reconstruction Creme seems too greasy for
you. I really am. That makes me feel bad that I highly recommended it--and you
don't feel that you can use it. It there an area of your face that is NOT oily
that you could try it out on? I posted the other day with the ingredients. Here
it is again: Aqueous cream base, Euclrin, Evening Primrose Oil, Tea Tree Oil,
Centella Asiatica and Stellaria Media (Starflower). I have asked them for
further information regarding some of these ingredients, the Euclrin and the
Stellaria Media--neither of which I have any knowledge of! It still continues to
speed healing, amazingly so, for me though. But granted, I'm on accutane--I
DON'T have oily skin.
General Chat -- Jasmine, 21:00:33 03/30/00 Thu
Hi everyone.I
have just written on the new board.So many to choose from
BL3UCHIP.Hi.I'm sorry you are having such a bad time with your acne
because of your medication.Yes I had the splash your face with cold water
lecture from a friend the other week who of course has not got even one spot.I
knew I was going wrong somewhere with my washing regime!!!!I hope if you go on
Roaccutane it works for you.I too am hiding out at the moment because my face is
so bad so I know exactly how you feel.
MARGARET.Thanks for the info on the
Hope in a Bottle moisteriser.I tried to order it from I can't remember now one
of the sites you mentioned and right at the end it said U.S.A addresses
only.Gutted I'm in the U.K.Anyway My brother lives in America and he is coming
over next week so I'll get him to buy it and bring it with him unless you know
of any on-line shop I can buy it from that will deliver or are in the U.K.I
definitly want to try it because of the salicylic acid in it.
you haven't been feeling too good.A holiday will help that.Going somewhere nice
and hot I take it?
RIANNE.How is your Creme de la Mer cream.Is it
non-comedegenic?You sound really down also.I'm thinking of you.I had a look at
the exoderm site.It does look good but are the pictures genuine etc.As long as
it didn't do any harm it's worth trying even if it didn't work if you know what
I mean.We are just the sort to get ripped off by people because of being so
desparate for clear skin.Not that I'm saying it is a rip off just that there is
so much stuff it is hard to know if something is going to work or if it is
rubbish.I dread to think what I have spent over the years.
was me with the search for the new washing regime.So far I have chosen Acnisal
face wash to try which has got salicylic acid in it,no toner yet and hopefully
the Hope in a Bottle that Margaret was recommending.I can't recommend any of it
yet because I can't recommend when I'm just covered in acne.That would make a
good clearasil advert or whatever wouldn't it.Me standing there covered in acne
saying Try this product!They always have such clear skin on these spot
adverts.It makes me sick.I think you can get blackheads removed at a salon.I
suppose you have to have a facial for acne skins.I never have but I know they do
it.I suppose just check they will remove them before you have the facial done.I
wouldn't say I notice any benefit yet from the No-No but early days yet.I just
pray that the antibiotics will kick in soon.Glad your skin is looking
good.Fingers crossed for you.
GINGER.Hi.Sorry to hear that your chin has
broken out.I must confess to only having used the Reconstruction cream once.It
just feels so greasy and my face is so oily and spotty it makes me feel horrible
but I will start as otherwise another waste of money and I should if it
Well that's it for now.Speak again soon love Jasminexx
Hello All -- Kaitlin, 16:57:38 03/30/00
Hi eveyone! Well the time must change in another few weeks over here,
cause it hasn't changed yet (or I've just been late for work everyday and noone
has said anything!) Funny how things are different like that-my Mum was out
buying her mom a mothers day card cause its mothers day this Sunday over there,
but here its not until nearly the end of May!! Oh well.
Ginger: I
actually haven't finished my course of accutane yet (hope I didn't confuse you,
sometimes I type stuff in so fast then don't read it till later and it makes no
sense whatsoever!!) I've just finished month 3 today, and I'm going to the
doctor after work to get my last months supply. He said that because I wanted to
stay on the 40mg/day, I would probably have to do a 6 month course, but my skin
has been clear for 3 weeks (except for the few spots from monthly issues) that I
think another month will do it fine. Plus, my acne was more on the mild side to
start with, so we'll see. Did you notice when you were on accutane before(or
now) that your pores seemed to look bigger? And did they shrink down after
accutane? I'm not even sure if thats possible, but hey-I can
Rianne: figures as soon as I say "oh yes, Dr Becker got back to
me within 24 hrs blah blah blah..." then I send him another email and he still
hasn't written back. Oh well, I figure if I haven't heard back by the end of
today, I'll just keep re-sending the same email till he gets annoyed enough to
Just Me: lucky you, going on a vacation!! I can't wait to go this
year and get a tan (I'm white as a ghost!) and I'm so tempted to go tanning now
because the snow is almost gone and the weather is great, but I have to wait 1
more month till done accutane. So get a wonderful tan for all of us
Jasmine: hope your doing ok. Is the nono (what a silly name)
helping at all yet? It sucks that your antibiotics take so long to see
improvement, but hey-they could be the exact ones you need and clear up your
skin wonderfully!!! I hope so for you. I remember you saying on the other board
that you thought you had become "immune" to your dermalux from using it for so
long-maybe now that you've had such a break it will work wonders again. Take
Care!!! :)
Hi to everyone else!
Hello everyone! -- Rianne (35) UK, 14:17:32 03/30/00
Thanks for your message Ginger! Last night I put enough Eryacne
on my face to sink a ship!! I was soooo fed up with it and ended up squeezing
too. NOT WISE!!! My skin looks a bit better today - I have also put on as much
Eryacne again as I dare! Maybe that helps - I don't know.
I have posted
off another e-mail to Dr. Becker re the Exoderm and hopefully he will reply real
soon. He did last time - which really impressed me! I'm so fed up of this
scarring (the acne is bad enough but the scars they leave with me are terrible -
they're permanent! At least for now anyway.) Not everyone ends up with
pock-marks - I must just have that type of skin. Lucky I guess. (Feeling sorry
for myself now) I have to be so careful because I don't want to leap into
anything that may make my skin worse. It's a very thin line I tread. I couldn't
stand "worse".
Just Me - I hope everything goes well with your job - it
sounds like it just may eh?!!! I'll keep fingers & toes crossed for you!
I too have a sun lamp from Argos - I may dig it out of the cupboard. My
DermaLux lamp just doesn't work for me now. I maybe should give that another go
- but it takes up a lot of time somehow and then when nothing happens I get so
Yes, a bit of a sleepless night Just Me!! No reason for me
being up that late - just couldn't sleep! Moan and groan again!!
everyone is alright? Speak to you soon, meanwhile, send my love. Rianne.
To: Bl3uchip -- Just
Me, 10:44:53 03/30/00 Thu
Hi Bl3uchip - sorrie forgot to
mention you in my earlier post! Hope all goes well for you with your derm today
and that everything starts healing soon and getting back to normal. Good
Various :-) -- Just Me,
10:33:08 03/30/00 Thu
Hi all :-)
Heya Maurice :) - (grins) -
as you've probably figured by now, the titles somehow won't accept html !
Waiting to hear from you when you have time to spare and by now very intrigued!
I have a feeling your information is going to be as interesting and eduational
as Davie's has been and is! :) Look forward to it!
Kaitlin - hi - I'm
doing okay - work is okay - we're stilll putting up our request for the extra
person in the team and need to present it to higher management. Fingers crossed
- the next few days are going to be vital! I think we have a fairly valid case
for the extra permanent person and it'll work out well! We think that the girl
who's returning from maternity won't stay long as she has two kids and she lives
a long way away which means she'll be away from them for about 12 hours a day ie
including travelling time and won't be able to do any overtime which is needed
... so hence more support for my case (smiles). Thx for asking sweetie!
Re the spots, yeah, I had a small break out around the mouth/lip/nose
area and a couple of other places not all at once but one after the other, yeah
partly stress and parly cos I'm due soon and my hormones are going haywire! I
was feeling rather ikky last week ie nauseaus and loss of appetite and still am
... and also am due on shortly hence the flare ups. With the hormonal changes
which must be mega, feeling weepy and stuff when watching movies and will have a
sniffle, craving for chocolate and some foods eg curry (grins) and when I do eat
them I don't really like it cos it taste ikky as I prefer the organic foods now
... also coming on with a cold/flu like symptoms so all in all .... hmm, I think
I could do with snuggling up in bed watching tv for a couple of days with some
herbal tea (smiles). Re the spots, I've been using the NONO on the small ones
and they're disappearing as fast as they appear (thankfully) and also using the
Dermalux still. Think I'm on Week 6 now of using the Dermalux Lamp though I've
missed about 6 sessions in the 6 weeks (grins). Taking Sulphur (homeopathy) when
I feel a spot coming on ie those times when you can feel it and it hurts a
little ... and that helps as well. I wish I was eating better and more, but the
appetite is just not there! Grrr!
Talking of the Dermalux lamp, last
October I bought a face sun lamp as I'd read somewhere that it helps with acne
ie dries it up and stuff. I used it for one session ie 10 days or so and it
seemed to help. I haven't had time to use it again as it's time consuming ie
takes like 10 days or so for a whole tanning session and you have to spend about
30-40 mins each session. I just didn't have the time and kept missing some. As
I'm going on holiday in a fortnight I have been thinking of using it again ie to
get a head start on a sun tan as I plan to go without make up (yikes) (smiles) -
though I think I can get away with it now ... with just using Corn Silk Loose
Power (which is translucent) and serves to absorb the oil. I don't use make up
weekends now and it's okay. With a tan on the face it helps hide the red scar
marks which take time to fade but with the Vitamin E Cream from HealthAid that
I'm using, the red marks have faded over 50% as mentioned before. Face Sun lamps
cost about £50 from Argos (that's where I got mine). I've also at some time used
Alvychy (spelling?) Face Tanning lotion (ie to get a fake tan) to hide the
blemishes /red scars etc and that has helped as well - if anything it's a
booster (smiles). It's non condogemic (spelling?) duh!
Hi Jasmine - let
us know when the Dermalux bulbs arrive! I like using the Dermalux as it seems to
'dry' up the skin but not too dry! The tanning lamp dries it up a lot - but
probably cos it's for longer.
BTW, does anyone know of any great
exfoliating ways/creams/ stuff etc? Most of us have oily skin but with the
creams we use, we also have flaky skin, if I'm not mistaken, cos I know I do -
ie not everywhere but in patches here and there where I use Potters Mild Acne
cream which contains Zinc amongst other things my skin gets dry and flakes some.
I haven't been very good at exfoliating and most exfoliating creams don't seem
to work ...
Have to rush for now - hi Ginger, Rianne (yes, I changed the
clocks here sweetie - and missy - what were you doing up so late last nite?
(grins)) ... hi Margaret, Davie - oh, yes Kaitlin, Davie reads in (smiles) and
will join us again when he feels the time is right etc (smiles).
& Light,
Just Me
Checking in..... -- Ginger, 05:09:44 03/30/00 Thu
Hello Rianne,
Kaitlin, Jasmine, Just Me:
Kaitlin--to answer your questions: I'm on day
27 of accutane--just got through the explosive week of it. The explosion "seems"
to have subsided--we'll see...nose is completely clear--forehead is almost
clear--cheeks are 98% clear--sides of mouth and chin, well, is a different
story. Mostly red marks, but a few that are still bumpy. I'm sucking down water
like there's no tomorrow--that really does seem to help. Mostly just dry lips
and face. They are manageable though. This is the third time on accutane. Last
time was two consecutive courses, for an occasional cyst, and mild acne. Had
oily skin too. That was four years ago. Never have had another cyst, never had
oily skin again. Mild acne started a few months ago--seemed to be getting worse.
My derm. wanted one last shrinkage of sebaceous glands. I personally, do believe
that the accutane DID do a great part of that already, since I've never had the
cysts again, or oily skin.
As far as supplements, I take vitamin
C--anywhere from 1,000 to 3,000 mg. per day--depending on severity of skin
breakout. Since I can't take a multi vitamin right now (no intake of vitamin A,
while on accutane), everything is supplemental. I take a B-complex 50mg. twice
per day. I take 3,000 mg. of primrose oil. I take 50 mg. of zinc per day. I'm
going to start on a selenium supp. soon. I did take about 5-6 herbs
pre-accutane--but some of them have vitamin A in them--so had to quit. I do
continue to take Oregon Grape Root--a great tonic for all glands, with a direct
effect on the skin--and Burdock root, for purifying my blood. Also I take
Ginger--for aiding in digestion and as needed for motion sickness woes. Oh!
Forgot that I take Chromium--which aides in skin infections, 200mcg. twice
daily. I eat a lot of soy products too, which are great for protein! How long
since you were off of accutane? How long that your skin has been clear?
Rianne, I'm sure hoping that your skin does a turn around--I'm praying
for you.
Jasmine, have you been trying the Reconstruction Creme?
"talk" to you all later--
For Kaitlin -- Rianne, 00:49:00 03/30/00 Thu
Thanks for
posting the last message Kaitlin! It was really kind of you to do that for me
and much appreciated!! If you find any more details for me I would LOVE to hear
more!!! Thanks again Kaitlin! Time for bed - it's 1.45 a.m.!!! Love Rianne. (ps.
Hope you altered the clocks 1 hour forward on Saturday Just Me!!!!??)
Rianne-Exoderm -- Kaitlin-20-Canada,
22:33:38 03/29/00 Wed
Rianne: I didn't know if you contacted Dr.
Becker again, but I sent him another email earlier today asking for the names of
the people who perform it in the UK. I told him that I contacted the Dr. in
Israel and he hadn't got back to me, so we'll see if he writes back.
to Jasmine, Just Me, Ginger and everyone else (davie too if your
Ginger: i can't seem to remember how long you've been on
accutane for now (must be my old age!) How is your skin doing now? Mine was
completely clear for nearly 3 weeks, then yesterday I got afew little spots
(shouldn't complain) and I'm sure its just from a 'monthly thing.' Anyways let
me know how your skin is progressing with treatment. And are you taking any
extra vitamins or anything?
Jasmine: hope you get your bulbs soon. You
be triple battling your acne between nono's, dermalux and antibiotics! Kick that
acne in the butt!
Just Me: hope things are good with you or getting
better (work) take care :) Hows your skin. You had mentioned you got some spots
a while back (from stress I'm assuming)Hope its all under control...
to work. Talk to you all soon!!!
Hello everyone! -- Rianne (age 35) UK, 22:04:35 03/29/00
HELEN - baking soda, I'd never thought of that! I will give that
a try!! I'll try anything HELEN if it might help!!
still haven't spoken to anyone about the Herpancine. I've been sooooo busy these
last few days but will make it my priority as soon as possible. My skin is still
not good and I can't wait for it to improve. The oil it produces it just
unbelievable. As we all know oil = spots. BIG GROAN!!!! (no joke though) (poor
old me)
KATY - the Sher system I tried a few years ago. Basically it is a
cleansing & make up programme. It also involves lots of splashing with
water!! I was so convinced it was going to work that I stopped taking
antibiotics. Oh Boy - did I pay for that!!! I drove to work one day and turned
around in the car park and came straight home - my skin just looked HORRENDOUS.
Maybe it does work for some people, I'm sure it does. BUT I wasn't one of them
unfortunately. The people who run it are very nice and really helpful. It was
expensive though - I spent about £200 on the "kit". Maybe I should have
continued with the antibiotics while I was using it - but that defeats the
object really.
Yes, the Exoderm looks good....but I'm still not sure....
I would love to be able to improve this scarring though - it really is very,
very bad. Lots and lots of pockmarks and not a lot of skin in between.
big hello to Just Me, Jasmine, Kaitlin and Ginger!! Time to turn in I guess,
it's 11 o'clock and I have to be up early in the morning (another groan!).
Please wish me no more new spots in the morning!! Some hope...
Love, luck
and thanks! Rianne.
anybody with thyroid problem on Ro_A -- bl3uchip, 18:54:00 03/29/00
Have been acne-prone since 15, now 27, but always have thought it
manageable. However, lately got this thyroid problem and had to take medication
for it (PTU). And boy! was it bad for my acne (an understatement really!) All of
a sudden, my face swelled up into large pus-filled red blisters, been having
problems sleeping lately as the sides of my face have become tender and
throbbing at times. To all you guys who have become agoraphobic, I know what you
mean. I used to be not generally squeamish about the way I looked, acne and all,
but when I started having these really BAAAADDD episode, I've shut out all
contact with the outside world. I simply couldn't stand the "oh-you-poor-thing,
here-lemme-give-u-some-advice, told-u-to-wash-your-face-with-cold-water"
condescending attitude of people. Ahhhh, here I am spending a fortune and cold
water's gonna do it?!!! Or the
"ewwww-don't-you-wash-your-face-what's-wrong-with-you" looks that I
Anyways, will be off to do some bloodwork tomorrow before I go see
my derm. Have been trying to put off Roaccutane for years now, thinking I don't
need something that drastic, but with this latest episode, I don't seem to have
a choice. Just wanna know, if there's anybody out there who's had the same
problem as I. Anybody who has taken thyroid medication and had aggravated acne
as a result, and if they've taken Ro_A. Please e-mail me. *Bl3uchip* (female,
<B><i>Hi just Me</i></B> -- Maurice, 13:48:00 03/29/00
Hi Just me
My, how this board has progressed. Hope your keeping well. Will write
something more substancial next time, honest
Me! -- Rianne, 09:11:07 03/29/00 Wed
That p.s. doesn't make
sense! That's what happens when you rush!! Someone here now....must must go.
Aaargh! Rianne.
To Katy -- Rianne, 09:08:52 03/29/00 Wed
Sorry this is
only a very quick post, I only have a minute! The Sher System failed me
completely...maybe it works for other people but it did nothing for me!! I'll
write more later, really sorry this is so rushed!! Lots of love to everyone,
(ps. I didn't want anyone rushing out any buying and getting
Baking Soda -- Helen, 03:52:06 03/29/00 Wed
I forgot to mention
that if you add baking soda to a non-foaming cleanser, it makes a very good,
gentle exfoliant. (This tip courtesy of "The Beauty Bible" by Paula
Baking Soda -- Helen, 03:52:00 03/29/00 Wed
I forgot to mention
that if you add baking soda to a non-foaming cleanser, it makes a very good,
gentle exfoliant. (This tip courtesy of "The Beauty Bible" by Paula
Baking Soda -- Helen, 03:02:48 03/29/00
This may sound a little weird but I have found that baking soda or
bicarbonate soda (depending on where your are from) helps to reduce the redness
in my acne. You mix it up with water to make a thick paste and put it on the
spot. I find it works best when the spot is actually forming.
As it will
show up on your face, I tend to put it on at night and in the morning the pimple
is reduced. If I get it early enough it actually stops it forming!
As I
can't always access the web, please e-mail me if you try it & let me know
how it goes. Together we will beat acne.
Salicylic Acid-the Benefits -- Ginger, 23:17:30 03/28/00
This all came from is Salicylic?
Willow Extract-an extract of Salix Alba. An Efficacious Safe Remedy for Problem
Skin. A Dr. Kligman, Professor emeritus of Dermatology at the University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine, who took part in the American Academy of
Dermatology meeting held in San Francisco in March, 1997, said this: Salicylic
Acid is a superior exfoliant that improves the appearance of aging, sun-damaged
skin without all the irritations associated with the popular Alpha Hrdroxy,
Glycolic Acid.
"Salicylic Acid is effective in reducing the appearance of
fine lines and wrinkles, and improving overall facial texture because it
exfoliates both the skin surface and within the pores, without all the
irritations commonly associated with the Alpha Hydroxy, Glycolic Acid." It has
been found that Salicylic Acid is effective with as little as one-fifth the
concentration typically found in products containing Glycolic Acid, the most
commonly used Alpha Hydroxy Acid. In a single study comparing a 1.5 percent
Salicylic Acid product and a 8+percent Glycolic Acid product, the Salicylic Acid
product was shown to be more effective exfolient. It's superior exfoliation
action is thought to be attributed to it's lipid-or oil solubility. It
concentrates its exfoliation action in the lipid-rich outer layers of the skin,
where the skin's natural rate of exfoliation reduces with aging, causing a build
up of dry, dull skin flakes.
This is interesting info!!!! I've been
using the Clear Logix, which has Salicylic Acid in it-- now for a couple of
weeks and like it very well! I can't use it too often since I'm on accutane, but
it does seem to work well--even had a small scar on nose that it fixed. It was a
brand new scar.
Various things! -- Katy (UK age 32), 23:05:53 03/28/00 Tue
have just looked into this site again and it seems a lot of "stuff" has been
going on! I do hope everything is resolved now as I think it is a very calming
and helpful site and a bit more geared towards us 30 somethings than the other
On the quest for non-Roaccutane cures, has anyone heard of the
Shere (sp?) system? A friend of mine did 1 day's temping as a receptionist at
their HQ in central London (!), and they apparently have a "water based system"
that helps various skin conditions including acne. She didn't get much more
information from them, she said they are quite secretive about exactly what this
system is until ya pays ya money!! I'm not convinced that a "water based system"
can help anything so obviously metabolically/hormonally controlled as acne but
this is just to let everyone know they exist!
Rianne, did you speak to
the Healthiskin people about Herpanicine? I would be interested to know how you
got on.
Responses & peaceful dreams from London -- Just Me, 22:25:59 03/28/00
Hi all :-)
Just took a nice long warm bath cos it was so cold
today and feel all snug and yummy and woah, I come back on line and lookie at
the Board! I can't keep up with it! (smiles) I want to have an early nite so
will try and keep this short (grins)!
Jasmine - I'm so glad that
Dermalux are finally sending your Dermalux bulbs!! Wahooo!! With all
three things ie Dermalux, NONO and the antibiotics, you have a very high chance
of your acne improving very soon!! Good luck sweetie! Gotcha mail this afternoon
and posted you earlier this evening. Jasmine, way to go on the positive attitude
and looking forward to when you get clear skin, which you will sweetie!
It's just a question of time! Remember, act as if you already have clear skin,
and you will feel wonderful and that gets you one step further psychologically
towards your goal (and stomps on that chatterbox in your mind ie that upsets us
all!) Also I know desperate (smiles) as I've had my fair share ie of taking
homeopathy for days and days and days and using the Nono constantly for hours,
and finally a breakthrough!! Spent a fortune on stuff, as Rianne says
Rianne - re hairdressers, the cringe part of going to a
hairdressers is the spotlights above you which shine right on you and not good
when you have a flare up period and just want to crawl under the chair and hide!
I cringe and avoid looking at myself in the mirror during flare ups as my heart
just sinks to the bottom of my shoes when I look at myself. I'm sure we all feel
worse than we look as I've seen some people with spots / mild acne and they look
okay to me if you know what I mean.
I did a search on Exoderm and came
up with a couple as follows, which you have probably already found, by the
sounds of it :)
I took a quick peek and it looks great ie the before and
after pictures. I don't know anything about plastic surgery or face peels etc
but know a friend had some done years ago and she thought they were great, so I
guess they work. I thought she had okay skin but she obviously didn't ... keep
us posted and as Davie says a problem shared is a problem halved
Re oily skin shortly after washing - yeah sometimes I find that
too -ie like half an hour or so after washing, the skin becomes oily! Geez! I
used to say I had enough oil to build a factory! (grins). These days it's okay -
slightly oily but I use the Silk Corn Loose Powder and it tends to absorb it or
I blot with a tissue periodically throughout the day.
Hi Margaret :) Hi
Kaitlin sweetie :) - sorrie I didn't get a chance to look up the thinge for you re mouth ulcers - off the top of my head I
didn't know anything ie homeopathic or otherwise, ie apart from the NONO
(smiles). Re job, it's looking promising and my bosses are working with me on a
solution and we're getting a supporting memo together (did I already say that
earlier today??? Duh!!) - will keep you posted ... whatever happens, I will look
at it as a Win Win situation - ie either way I win (smiles) - that way I go in
with power thoughts and will make lemonade out of the lemons that I have been
dished for now (grins).
Hi Ginger (smiles) - no worries re the
new age comment the other day - we've all been going through some stuff these
past few days :) ((hugs)). I know it must have been frustrating to want to talk
and share about acne especially when you're having a bad day and the Board was
quiet which it was that day as it was still 'recovering' from the recent shock
waves (smiles) and people were obviously nervous about posting etc for their own
reasons. It happens. It's no fun posting when you're all alone so I sometimes
just post spontaneously what comes into my head which I did that day ...
(grins)! Yes I did spend a lot of time on Sunday posting that piece (or was it
Saturday?) and my butt was sore from all that sitting (grins). It was for a
worthwhile cause and it was worth it :) Good to have you here (smiles) sharing
the wonderful stuff that you do, that you all do (smiles).
Okay, I think
that's me done :-) I hope I've covered everyone and everything - if I've missed
anything, oooooh, pls remind me or I'll pick it up in the next few days probably
and realise I didn't answer .... thx all for sharing and helping each other! A
problem shared is a problem halved (smiles) - I like that! Ought to use it as
the Board's motto -now that's a thought! Thx Davie!! Hope you're doing okay!
Nite everyone! Peaceful dreams!
Just Me.
For Kaitlin -- Rianne, 21:43:33 03/28/00
Kaitlin - thanks so much for your help - it's really
appreciated! I also managed to contact Dr. Becker (in the USA) and he replied
straight away to me too - which impressed me a lot! He suggested that I contact
the doctor in Israel (who I think was the founder of Exoderm) to get a list of
practitioners who carry out the Exoderm treatment in the UK. I still haven't
received a reply from Israel despite sending a couple of e-mails a couple of
weeks ago. I managed to get a list of the practitioners names in the UK (I think
3 altogether) but no addresses or contact numbers. Maybe I should contact Dr.
Becker again. I know what you mean about photographs - you're never 100% sure -
lighting and different elements can alter looks. I'll keep you posted Kaitlin as
to how I get on and what I find. Thanks so much for everything though, you're
really kind!! Love Rianne.
Rianne-Exoderm -- Kaitlin, 20:17:06 03/28/00
Hi Rianne! I tried doing a search on aol for exoderm and didn't come
up with anything, BUT I did look at it afew weeks ago when it was first
mentioned. I thought it was absolutely amazing (before and after) but then those
pictures always make me leary thinking "yea like they are real" but I thought
I'd write to them and see how it worked. I had to answer some questions about my
skin, and got an email back within 1 day from Ed Becker. He said because I only
had flat red marks they would fade in time and it wouldn't do me any good, but
it might be perfect for you!!! I know it is in California, but you could ask him
if he knows of anyone in the UK that peforms it! This might be just what you
need. The procedure sounded kinda funny (like you have to wear bandages on your
face for about a week, and when they take them off-your supposed to have perfect
skin. Don't really remember all the details but you should defininetly send them
an email. If you want I can go into my email and check what his direct address
was. Take care..Kaitlin
HI Ginger!
Apology -- Ginger, 19:57:26 03/28/00 Tue
Just Me: Sorry about
my comment re: New Age the other day. I shouldn't have said that. Will you
forgive me? This is no excuse--but had a rotten explosive day with accutane and
took it out on you. You have been SOOOOO kind to spend so much time helping
others.....I AM grateful--
Jasmine: Regarding the Reconstruction Creme--I
just put it on my spots, not on whole face. But...I actually have gotten a reply
from the company regarding what the COMPLETE list is on ingredients. They, by
the way, have been MORE than compliant with me in answering all questions. Quite
frankly, I'm surprised that they gave me the list. They don't even have this
product patented, and fear it being duplicated. Here is the complete list:
Aqueous creme base, Euclrin, Evening Primrose Oil, Tea tree oil, Centella
Asiatica, and lastly, Stellaria Media (Starflower). I was hoping that I'd see
some herbs that I recognized in there. I'm familiar with the Primrose Oil and
Tea tree oil and the centella (which has amazing healing properties, and may
account for the quick healing), but I don't even have a CLUE what euclrin
IS--and can't seem to find any info. about Stellaria Media either! Consequently,
I've written the company again, and asked for more info. regarding these two
items!!! So, if anyone knows more about these two things, I'm all ears....I can
say, that after almost four weeks of using this product, I still find it
amazing. A little bit of it, goes a very long ways! It does have a greasy feel
to it, which sounds bad--but I personally just love it. It's so healing.
Jasmine, just put a dab of it on your spots--it won't take much. Maybe you try
on a few of them, or ONE if you are leary...I have actually seen major results
in the course of the DAY with this stuff. Course, since it's recommended for 3rd
degree burns, and open wounds--you KNOW that it is gentle--and it is recommended
for acne and a number of other things.
Hi to Rianne--I'm really sorry to
hear that your skin is still driving you nuts...oh how I know...I had the major
explosive skin for a week on accutane--seems to be moving down my face now. My
nose, Praise the Lord, is actually spot free now! I can't believe it--but both
sides of mouth, and entire chin has got probably 12-14 spots, that were weird
blistery, watery spots. They seem calmer today....I hope....Hi Kaitlin!
Quickie -- Just Me, 19:35:35 03/28/00 Tue
Quickie for the
moment - thx Rianne for the prompt - no I haven't been to the Accutane Board for
a while - just dropped by there to answer Sonia's post as you'd prompted
(smiles). Back later ... JM
Sorry - me again! -- Rianne (35) UK, 19:16:51 03/28/00
Hiya Just Me - I'm not sure if you look at the Roaccutane
board but there is a message on it from a lady called Sonia with a question for
you. I just didn't want you to miss it! Love Rianne.
For Kaitlin -- Rianne, 19:12:21 03/28/00 Tue
Sorry Kaitlin
- our messages crossed too as well!! The Exoderm you should be able to find via
my message to Jasmine. (EXODERM - search - then Dr. Ed Becker - the photo is
amazing - let me know what you think please!!) Yes Kaitlin, I would have to pay
for it as I don't carry health insurance. I think some of us need a seperate
bank account just to cover our "acne needs" don't we?!! Groan!! Love Rianne.
For Margaret -- Rianne, 19:03:56 03/28/00 Tue
Margaret, I think our messages crossed and I missed yours! I haven't got the
herpancine yet - but I will! Please let me know how you get on with it too
Margaret! Love Rianne.
Rianne-exoderm -- Kaitlin, 18:33:58 03/28/00 Tue
just saw your message to Jasmine about finding site!
Hello All! -- Kaitlin-20-Canada,
18:33:12 03/28/00 Tue
Just Me: thanks for info ('m
gonna go look for it after I've posted this message. Hope things get sorted soon
with your job, it will all work out I'm sure.:)
Rianne: what is the site
for the exoderm? I think I've looked at it before, but can't seem to find it on
this site, and can't find it on the yellow board either. But I'm really
interested, maybe thats exactly what you need to help your scarring. I'm sure
there is something out there, its just finding the right thing. Does your
insurance or something cover these procedures, or do you have to pay?
clinique stuff is a pain when your skin is dry, I'm assuming thats what the
eyracene gel does. Oh well, I'm sure one day we'll both find something that
covers as well as looking somewhat natural!Take care.
Jasmine: glad to
hear you dermalux lamps are finally coming!!!! I remember when I first came onto
the yellow board about 3 months ago, you'd been waiting since then, maybe
I can't remember if it was Jasmine or Rianne, but did you ever
decide on a new face washing regime??
Does anyone know how to get rid of
blackheads? I thought I'd heard somewhere you can go to a beauty salon and have
them removed?
Jason: welcome to the board, it sucks at the beginning
when your skin breaks out horribly. It's also different for everyone, some
people can break out till the end of treatment, and some are luckier (I was) and
my skin cleared up nearly completely after about 2 months. I think it depends
too on how severe your acne is. I had mild acne and my skin only broke out bad
once at about 3 weeks, now I just have afew spots here and there. But my brother
had sever acne, and his skin broke out bad throughout the whole treatment. Its
different for everyone, hope this helps you and good luck!
Hello to
everyone else and take care!
Me again -- Rianne (35) UK, 18:18:24 03/28/00
Hiya Jasmine! If you just type in "Exoderm" and then
search it should come up "Dr. Ed Becker" and go into that link. The pictures -
especially the one with acne scarring is quite remarkable. I've tried many other
antibiotics for acne Jasmine (mostly the tetracycline group of antibiotics
though) and the Minocin MR seem to be the only ones that help me. Even though
they don't control it totally now I'm so wary of rocking the boat in case the
doctors decide to take me off antibiotics completely. The last time I stopped
Minocin I literally couldn't put a pin between the spots they were so bad. I
nearly cracked up completely.
The plastic surgeon feels that because the
dermabrasion was unsuccessful (I had that twice) then the laser would not help.
I think he also felt that it was a lot to go through for no result. I'm very
curious about Exoderm, although I realise that I can't go into anything lightly
and have to be careful. I don't want to end up looking much worse - I just
couldn't stand that. I realise that I will have to get the acne under control
before I embark on any scar treatment. Oh, why doesn't it just leave us all
The Creme de la Mer cream was developed by a NASA aerospace
physicist called Max Huber. He suffered disfiguring burns from a rocket fuel
explosion and wanted something to help his skin. Creme de La Mer took him 12
years to develop. I know it's a heck of a LOT of money but I'm desperate &
really hope it might just improve my skin a bit. I know I seem to be clutching
at straws but I daren't give up otherwise I'll get just too far down about it
all. Whether it will help - I just don't know. I'll keep you
I'm so sick of it - I know I don't have to describe how I
feel - you know....... It just goes on and on and on.....
Oh, I do hope
that your skin improves soon Jasmine. Also that when the DermaLux arrives it
will do the trick too. I can understand that you will need to try the
antibiotics first though.
Do you find that when you wash your face it
doesn't take long at all for the oil to re-appear? My skin is soooo oily - no
wonder my pores can't cope with it. When I'm out I notice that other people stay
"matte" all day whereas my skin always looks so greasy all the time. I hate
it!!! I have a few spots too where they began as big red lumps and now the
redness and infection has gone they have still stayed as a big lump!! What a
horrible skin I have.
The Eryacne gel seems to help the oil a bit....put
it this way it doesn't appear as quickly as normal. My skin now is oily and
flaky at the same time though!! A wonderful combination!
I realise that I
seem to moan for England! Sorry! It is just wearing me down
Love to everyone. Rianne.
Hope in a Bottle -- Margaret, 18:14:19 03/28/00
Jasmine - I am so sorry - The one I have is called Hope in a Bottle.
The Hope in a jar has oil in it but the HOPE IN A BOTTLE does not. I really love
it and it does seem to help with the spots. Sorry that I have not posted in a
while. I only have access to the internet at work and I was out yesterday(tip-
do not drink acidy fruit juices and take your vitamins on an empty stomache)! I
did that yesterday - big mistake!
I went to the derm last night who has put
me on differen gel. I have to go back in two weeks to see him so we'll see how
it goes. So now I use the differin at night and the hope in a bottle in the day.
My skin is getting better so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Rianne - I did not
get a chance to go to the store to get the herpanacine this past weekend. I'm
sorry - I have just been so busy with school and work and wedding planning that
I am going crazy at the moment. Did you find it yet? Hopefully I will get a
chance to go get it this weekend. About the Clear Logix - I've used it before
and I liked it. It keeps all the little stuff away but did not really help the
cysts. The cystic ones just have a mind of their own! Hope everyone is doing
well. Talk to you all soon. Margaret
Dermalux bulbs -- Jasmine, 15:33:45 03/28/00 Tue
Hi all.Nice to
hear from you Rianne.The antibiotics I have been prescribed are called
Trimethoprim 100mg twice a day.I read in my acne book by Dr.Chu that the dose is
double that normally.So will it still work being a less dose.I suppose he has
done that maybe because I'm small only 5ft 2inch and because of my bad stomach
to see if I can tolerate them.6-8weeks apparantly before I'll see any
improvement.The acne support nurse said that it was a good antibiotic.Perhaps if
the Minocin is not working well for you anymore you could try Trimethoprim.I'll
keep you posted with the progress because if the tablets work on the amount of
acne I've got I think they would work for anyone.Perhaps see if they work for me
before you make the drastic step of changing over.Why us!!What's the address for
that Exoderm site.I saw a programme the other day about that laser treatment for
acne scarring and it was quite a major thing.I didn't realise.The woman was put
out and the laser basically burns the top layer of skin off and afterwards it is
quite bad and the redness takes about 6 months to go.She was pleased with the
results though and there was definite improvement, of course still scarred but
much better.I have never gone into the scarring issue because I thought you had
to get rid of the acne before you could have scarring treatment.I suppose you
asked the plastic surgeon about laser treatment.If so why did he say nothing
could be done?I'm pretty ignorant on it all.What is meant to be so special about
this Harrods cream?Were you recommended it from someone.It wants to work for
100quid.I bet you will use it sparingly at that price.Saying that I would spend
anything to get my face clear.Tell me how you get on with it.
have just e-mailed you do to with the No-No and funny you mentioned the Dermalux
because I have just said in the e-mail that they just rang me and my bulbs are
packed up and ready to post.YES I SAID ON THEIR WAY!!!He recommended trying the
antibiotics first and when I stop taking them to try the Dermalux again and then
I would know if the Dermalux is working for me again but no I'm going to start
straightaway as I don't really care at this point whether it is the antibiotics
or the Dermalux or a combination of the two.I just want clear skin.I really hope
something works for me soon as I can't bear to look like this much longer.If I
ever get clear skin again I could always ween myself off the antibiotics
gradually and then if the acne came back I would know it was them helping and
not the Dermalux.Does this make sense.Listen to me talking about what to do when
my skin is clear.I'm just hoping.Thanks for offering to ring for me though.Any
luck with staying on with your department yet?
GINGER.Hi.I just received my
Reconstruction Cream.I tried it on my hand and it feels quite greasy.Are you
supposed to put it all over your face or just on the individual spots?Do you
know if it is non-comedegenic?Anyway I'll keep you all posted on that
That's it for now.Take care all love Jasminexx
Just to say... -- Rianne, 13:09:36 03/28/00
Just Me - I would love to be able to go to the
hairdressers and feel comfortable. I virtually need an anaesthetic! I'm always
thinking "Please DON'T sit me in the middle chair - I want to be in the corner!"
Ridiculous.. Would you, Jasmine and Kaitlin have a look at the Exoderm Lift site
and see what you think about the acne scarring treatment? I hope that if my skin
clears up I'll be able to have some treatment for the scars. The plastic surgeon
I saw a couple of weeks ago said there was nothing could be done and that
shattered me. My scarring is extensive and awful. Jasmine, I hope you are okay?
Take care everyone. Love Rianne.
Jasmine / Dermalux Lamp Bulbs -- Just Me, 12:19:41 03/28/00
Heya again - quickie - Hi Rianne (smiles) (hugs)! Good to hear from
you :) .. Jasmine, I came back on quickly to say, have you heard anything from
Dermalux yet? If not, would you like to take me up on my offer to call them up
and get a definite posting date for you? If yes, let me know - email me and let
me know the details etc ie when they received the bulbs in store and anything
else I may need to know and I'll make that phone call for you! I'm sure using
the Dermalux again as well will help you lots. Gotta rush now ... sorrie
couldn't stop longer - lunch is over !
p/s oh yeah, I went to get my
hair cut this afternoon and it was a relief to be able to look at myself in the
mirror while having my hair cut and not cringe ie like I have been doing the
past couple of years ie from the spots / acne ! Jasmine, I've had some spots
over the past few days ie around the mouth area (think I may have mentioned this
already) and they have almost disappeared with the NONO ... I really hope it
starts working for you soon sweetie! ((hugs)).
Here's to Freedom from
Acne forever! Best of luck to all! :)
The usual!! -- Rianne (age 35) UK, 12:00:29 03/28/00 Tue
again! I haven't had chance to post much over the last couple of days and I also
didn't want to get involved or feel that I had to take "sides". All I want is to
find something that helps get rid of my acne & as much information as I can
to treat the appalling scarring I have. (There is an Exoderm site which looks
promising but I need to find out more about it) I also of course want to help
others who are suffering from this too. We all do, I know that! Late last night
I wrote a couple of messages but then cancelled them. This last week hasn't been
good for any of us (I've written about that on the other board). Anyway enough
of this eh...
Kaitlin, yes the Clinique anti-blemish cream is dark really
- even in the lighter shade! It's good but I can't use it at the moment because
if I put it on top of the antibiotic gel I'm using then it just kind of "rolls"
off into little pieces! At the moment I'm using Yves St. Laurent Touch Eclat. It
doesn't have any "coverage" but it's the only thing that "sits" well on the
Eryacne gel!!
Jasmine, my skin is still lousy too!! This is a nightmare
really. I just wonder what I am doing wrong to get skin like this! Nothing I
suppose! What is the name of the antibiotic you are taking and what strength is
it (mg.)? If it's a strong one it should kick in soon - I hope so - you've been
through enough. I hope the NONO will begin working soon too. When I look back at
all the money I've spent on my skin I could have bought a small house I think!
Maddening.... Understatement! I have just ordered something called Creme de la
Mer from oil absorbing moisturiser. £100. A fortune. To think that
at 35 I'm still having to spend money like this. I realise I'm just probably
totally mad & wasting my money but I just can't tolerate skin like this at
Hi Just Me, thanks for all the stuff you posted for me! Hope
everything turns out well for you workwise, skinwise,
CHL, I'm not sure whether you come to this site but
thanks for your information regarding orthodox medicine and letting me know that
you are not taking anything else - just the herbs. They certainly seem to be
working really well for you, in all kinds of ways. It's so good when you find
something that actually does work!
I'm still taking the same takes quite a long time to get through them all! I virtually need
a bucket to put them all in!
I guess that Marcus and Liz won't post now
here but I think that Marcus has hit on a very good idea with the DHT blocker.
That would tackle the problem from source. It would help Jasmine and I so much
because we can't take Roacuutane and antibiotics just "mask" the problem and we
really do need to find something to help us. If I stop taking the Minocin MR
(I've said this before I know) my skin is unbelievable. I'd end up with more
scarring and there is hardly room on my face as it is.
Davie, I hope that
you are okay?
Love to everyone & sorry for the long gap. Rianne
Age & Country / Rianne -- Just Me, 09:07:27 03/28/00
Age: 35
Country: UK
Hi Rianne :) ... just
wanted to say thanks for your suggestion re Age and Country ie to
be in a field so that people can input it automatically ie like Name and email
etc, as Voy Forums Support thinks it's a great idea and they have put it on
their 'ideas' list and will work soon on how to implement it! So thanks sweetie!
Love, JM.
Kaitlin, Jasmine, Jason, Rianne and all :-) -- Just Me, 08:12:12 03/28/00
Heya all :-)
This is a quickie - yesterday was a bit of a
downer work wise as most of us were really upset and we're all trying to figure
out a way for me to stay with the group and as there are headcounts for each
department we need to bring up a valid case etc for having an extra person. So
wish me luck :-) - thx Kaitlin for asking. I know it will all work out for the
best in the long run as I have all the guys' support! Still a little sad but
it'll pass ... power thoughts, power thoughts (smiles)! All is well! Kaitlin, re
the supplements for mouth sores etc, I don't have time to find the right link
but if you search below and/or find a way to get to, you can do
a search and it'll bring up a list of remedies for mouth ulcers. This is rushed
- if you haven't found it by the weekend, let me know and I'll do a search for
you! Kaitlin, you're a real sweetie (smiles)! You have a very positive attitude!
Way to go girl! Davie is hanging loose for a while and doesn't want to be the
catalyst for any more dramas as per last week which is sad cos I miss his input
in the room and the challenges and questions etc (smiles). When the time is
right, if at all, he'll make an appearance - probably when the fuss dies down.
In the meantime, I'm learning from him via post (which is great for me but sad
cos the rest of you don't get to share in the knowledge shared ... perhaps later
I'll accumulate it if I have the time ... and share here ... we'll see ...
things are going at such a fast pace for me these days ... I have to
reprioritise ... :))
Jasmine - hi sweetie! Sorrie to hear that things are
still bad for you and that the NONO hasn't started working yet. When I had a
batch of really bad acne ie just the odd one or two it sometimes took up to a
week or ten days before the acne would budge and then I was using it full time,
ie cos I had to go to work and the acne was really bad and I had to get rid of
it! It took a few days of constant use for it to finally shift ie to move from
the stages it gets ie from the hard stage where it's like a stone to the soft
and yuk, pus stage. I still cringe when I talk about acne ... gets me all ikky!
Though as I was really desperate I used it for like an hour or so at a time for
the acne and maybe longer. I was glued to it. I also used pure tea tree oil
whenever I was really desperate ie the 100% tea tree oil and that would have
some effect ie in drying up the acne and/or making it budge though can get
painful when the skin etc starts to break or get red.
Rianne, hope all
is well. Figure you're busy .... sending love and hugs your way!
Have to
rush .... have a great day :) JM.
P/s Jason if you scroll down below
and/or look in the archives, Ginger has recommended a wonderful site with
topical solutions for acne ie with saliycic acid etc etc. Good luck !
just started accutane help!! -- jason, 06:15:56 03/28/00
:) hellooooo people..
I am in week 3 of my 40mg a day
roaccutane treatment (actually oratane - same thing different name)and i am
covered in acne all of a sudden. Wondering what I can do to stop this episode
from scaring!!!! can anyone suggest any topical treatments. I am petrified of
perminent damage. I have been hiding in my room. Too ugly to go out. Been lying
to my girlfriend.. makin excuses for not goin to see her.. (hehehe i'm pathetic
I know) and onthe weekend, end of week 2 that would be, i took ecstasy and
everything is OK.. I suggest puttng in eyedrops before hand however. How long
till the outbreaks stop!!!! please I need to tell my girlfriend when I can see
her.. :) thanx
Hi -- Jasmine, 20:46:01 03/27/00 Mon
Hi all.I've posted on the
other board today but just wanted to say Hi.Kaitlin.Yeh I've been using the
No-No lamp but so far no improvement.My skin is really bad but I've just started
antibiotics so I'm waiting for them to start working hoprfully.Hi Just Me,Hope
you are O.K.Anyway speak soon love Jasminexx
Hello Everyone -- Kaitlin, 17:31:14 03/27/00
Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend (I had Friday off
work so I had a lot of reading to do between both boards this morning!) Glad to
see things are settling down.
RIANNE: I noticed you bought the clinique
anti acne cover up (is it just me or is the 'light' still rather dark? We've
only got 2 shades over here in that specific type) I've tried it on spots, and
it didn't really cover, but I found it good for covering old red marks when my
skin was oily. Now that its dry, it doesn't really work that great, hope it will
work for you!
JUST ME: didn't really catch the whole jist of whats going
on with you. Hope your well, things didn't sound too good about your job or
something? Anyhow, I hope everything works out and that you are well. Quick
question (totally off topic) but since you know quite a bit about
supplemtents/vitamins, I was wondering if there was any vitamins you could take
to get rid of canker sores or mouth ulcers?? Just curious. Keep up the wonderful
work and efforts, this board is great :)
JASMINE: hope your well, hows
the nono???
Hi to Ginger, Davie (is he still here?)Katy and everyone
Mixture -- Just Me,
08:12:05 03/27/00 Mon
Morning all :-)
Hi Ginger - there's
plenty of stuff here on the Board and everyone is free to take what they need
and let the rest go. I spent about 5 hours on Saturday posting a
supplementation list for Rianne with links and everything else she asked for -
the power thoughts were for Rianne and were an after thought. Stree free helps
acne and so does the way we think about our lives. I don't have time to cover
everyone ie when I post and it's up to each individual to start up their own
topic on what they want to discuss and I'm a little too busy to lead the way
each time, so please do take the initiative and lead your own way to the topics
you would like to discuss. Have to get ready now ... :)
New Age forum or Acne? -- Ginger, 23:26:55 03/26/00 Sun
I guess
I'm pretty disappointed--I'm personally not into New Age--but did need
support/help coping with acne. The New Age comments are all that is here today.
Actually, I've felt like an unwanted pimple here anyway. Let me leave you with a
thought: "Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the
Father but through Me." John 14:6
Acne Support Group with a twist of power thoughts :-) -- Just Me, 21:19:27 03/26/00
Heya all :)
Rianne, I meant to say yesterday that I think
you're a brave girl for going out with your friends when they invite you out
especially when feeling bad about your skin. No way would I do that ... when I
had a couple of bad acne last year - ie just one or two really bad ones (rest of
face was fine ie just some spots) I would just stay at home or just rush out. I
would not go out. Didn't even like friends visiting and wouldn't look at them if
they did come round and absolutely hated it when they looked at me with "pity"
in their eyes at the state of my skin. Geez, I cringe about it now. There was
nothing I could do about it then cos I had the acne and I had to sit it out.
Thankfully now I hope that I'll never, never, never, never have to go through
that again! ie acne! I still have the red scars from the small acne that I had
ie on cheeks like we all do and other small ones and they are gradually
This afternoon after I had a bath and was doing my cleansing
routine in the bathroom, the sun was shining through the windows and geez, I
still don't like it and cringe as everything is like so magnified and as I'd
just come out of the bath I was a little flushed and red etc and it made the red
scar marks stand out quite a bit and I just didn't like looking at myself in the
mirror. So I can understand Jasmine and Rianne how you guys are crying when you
look in the mirror and see acne staring back at you. I have had my fair share of
that. But I have the power to change things ie with the NONO and my supplements
and eating habits and I'm so glad things are shifting and for the first time in
my life, my period is normal and without being on the Pill! Thanks to
Dong Quai!
My period is on its way as well hence the spots I guess
around the mouth area. The NONO helped and they've stopped growing and have
started to go already and that's within 24-48 hours.
My neighbours have
been giving me grief this weekend with their loud music (it's an ongoing thing)
and I felt pretty miffed about it and thought I'd share with you guys if you're
interested as it helps with out parents, friends, family and co-workers. Less
stress equals less spots! It all helps.
Nite :)
"How to Heal Your Anger"
Anger implies we think either we
or someone else is not behaving in a manner
we think is appropriate. If
everyone behaved and everything happened in
exactly the way we thought it
should, then anger would not be necessary.
Anger places blame. Disappointment
implies that things are not the way
you'd like them to be, but it doesn't
place blame. Anger is specific.
We call our friends and explain to them
why we're justifiably angry. We
want others to agree with us and approve of
our anger. We want others to agree
that our anger is right and the other
person is wrong. We need internal and
external approval that we're behaving
and thinking correctly in our state of
When we feel peaceful,
we don't need approval. Needing approval is an
indication that what we're
thinking and believing in the moment is probably
not from our Higher Self.
When we're thinking and acting from our higher
self, there is a feeling of
peace and love and SELF approval. We don't
feel the need to run around asking
other people if we're right. When we're
at peace we don't base our decisions
on the opinions of others.
Healing your anger involves healing your
perception. You need to heal your
perception of the person involved, the
overall situation, your part in the
situation, and any number of other
variables. It does help to analyze how
and why you feel as you do, however it
is not a prerequisite for taking your
situations to God. You don't have to
figure it out before you go to God.
That's God's job. You don't have to feel
calm and peaceful before you go to
God. God will provide that as well. You
simply need to make the choice for
healing. Be willing to accept the
possibility of looking at things a
different way.
You can choose
anger. As with all things, anger is your choice. When you
choose anger, you
are giving the anger your personal power. You are
agreeing to point your life
towards the direction anger will take you. In what
direction can anger take
you? In what direction can love take you? All
situations contain the same
choice. The choice between negative and
positive. The choice between fear and
love. (See exercise below.)
time: When necessary
When we feel stuck in anger, we can shift to
another feeling which helps us
go deeper into our subconscious. Staying in
the anger is not productive for
long. The following are some examples of what
you might be feeling while
you're in the anger. If any of these feel accurate
for you, claim the
emotion, feel it, then see what that brings up for
"I'm sad... because"
"I'm afraid... because"
"I'm sorry...
"I'm frustrated...because"
"I'm disappointed... because"
worried... because"
"I'm embarrassed... because"
"I'm jealous...
"I'm hurt... because"
"I'm ashamed...
How long do I
usually hold a grudge?
Around whom do I feel the most threatened? and
Who am I angry with, right this minute?
How often am I angry with
How do I behave when I'm feeling angry?
How do I behave when I'm
feeling loving?
Do I believe anger is strong and love is weak?
Am I afraid
to bring my thoughts of anger to Spirit/God?
I release any past grudges against anyone
I release any
ideas of feeling threatened
I relinquish any anger thoughts right now, in
this moment
I release the need to be angry with myself
I release the need
to be angry with anyone else
I choose to love myself and others, now and
I know true power comes from the power of love
I'm now comfortable
bringing all my anger thoughts to God
I deserve to feel peaceful and
Remember... You are perfect, right now, just the
way you are.
Sharon Elaine, A.Q.
Thank You Lisa :o)
Acting As If - By Melody Beattie -- Just Me, 11:46:09 03/26/00
Hiya all :-)
Rianne, yesterday over and over, this
passage from one of Melody Beattie's books kept popping into my head whenever I
thought of you (grins) and I just had to share it ..... :-) .... have a great
Sunday .... and let's hope that extra hour we missed in bed because of the
Daylight Time change etc doesn't affect us too much today (yawns!).
& Light,
Just Me
Acting as If
Language of Letting Go Melody Beattie |
The behaviour
we call 'acting as if' can be a powerful recovery tool. Acting as if
is a way to practice the positive. It's a positive form of
pretending. It's a tool we use to get ourselves unstuck. It's
a tool we make a conscious decision to use.
Acting as if can be
helpful when a feeling begins to control us. We make a conscious
decision to act as if we feel fine and we are going to be fine. When
a problem plagues us, acting as if can help us get unstuck. We act
as if the problem will be or already is solved, so we can go on
with our life.
There are many areas where acting as if - combined
with our other recovery principles - will set the stage for the reality we
desire. We can act as if we love ourselves, until we actually do
begin to care for ourselves. We can act as if we have a right to say
no, until we believe we do.
We don't pretend we have enough money
to cover a check. We don't pretend an alcoholic is not
drinking. We use acting as if as part of our recovery, to set the
stage for our new behaviours. We force ourselves through positive
recovery behaviours, disregarding our doubts and fears, until our feelings
have time to catch up with reality.
Acting as if is a positive way
to overcome fears, doubts, and low self-esteen. We do not have to
lie; we do not have to be dishonest with ourselves. We open up to
the positive possibilities of the future, instead of limiting the future
by today's feelings and circumstances.
Acting as if helps us get
past shaky ground and ito solid territory.
God, show me the
areas where acting as if could help set the stage for the reality I
desire. Guide me as I use this powerful recovery tool to help create
a better life and healthier
relationships. |
Greenlands Healthfood Shop in Greenwich -- Just Me, 00:15:26 03/26/00
Heya again :-)
I went to Greenlands Healthfood Shop in
Greenwich this afternoon after my oestopathy session to stock up on Green Tea,
and the owner, S Chong, wished to add his shop details to the internet and asked
if I could build a site for his shop. It was quite out of the blue and I was
flattered. I have put Greenlands Healthfood Shop details on a page at the Acne
Support Group in Cyberspace. Greenlands will probably be setting up an internet
mail service etc - all to be discussed in due course. For now, Rianne, Jasmine
and anyone else interested, if you go to the link which is:
Healthfood Shop
where you'll see his shop address and
telephone number and you can contact him directly as he does a mail order
service which I didn't realise till I got his business card this afternoon. You
can purchase the HealthAid Vitamin E cream ie for scars etc from him and also
the Yogi Bhajan Green Tea and Davie, you can buy the cheese alternates etc from
him etc and tofu etc etc via mail order if you wish. I'll discuss with him at
some stage a list of his products etc and will put them on line for him ... so
watch that space (smiles).
Boy my head is about to explode with the
headache I have! It's on the left side, where my whiplash is and where my
oestopath worked on today .. ouwwww!!
Nite JM.