The Acne Support Group in Cyberspace This is one of many of the Acne Support Groups out there, with the hope that armed with enough knowledge and support, there will one day come a time when we will all live in a world where we all have clear, healthy normal skin. Anyone is welcome to post and share experiences and/or just have a general "bawl" about how you feel etc! We've all been there!
Good luck to everyone and remember, take what feels right for you, and let the rest go,
Feel free to start your own thread discussion, especially when the Board is quiet. If there is anything you'd like to discuss, take the initiative and others will pick up from your thread. Key is love, support and sharing throughout. If a post doesn't appeal to you, please do skip pass it and start your own thread.
is a support group and chat area for everyday people of all ages and walks of life with acne to visit, discuss, share treatments, support each other, and move through the stressful event of having acne.
and when in doubt, always consult your doctor
Thx - Just Me :-)
Favourite Links (to be added shortly)
Link to the Accutane and Roccutane Message Board